A) thrifty B) rascally C) roguish D) generous
A) fascinated B) generous C) roguish D) rascally
A) roguish B) fascinated C) generous D) thrifty
A) fascinated B) rascally C) retorted D) thrifty
A) fascinated B) roguish C) generous D) rascally
A) She sells them at the market. B) She gives them to the poor. C) She feeds them to visitors. D) She eats them.
A) trade her vegetables B) buy a big ham C) save all her pennies D) invite company for supper
A) It will make the ham last longer B) She buys a bigger ham each week C) She doesn't like ham that much D) She'd not that hungry
A) have lodging for the night B) steal her ham C) have another slice of ham D) have vegetables from her garden
A) She's happy to have company. B) She is rich C) She makes a big dinner every night D) The men are paying her to cook for them
A) a roguish idea B) no big deal C) very common D) very special
A) tell jokes about the old woman B) discuss plans for breakfast C) talk about their dreams D) steal the ham from the closet
A) The old woman was mean to them the night before. B) They are going a carnival, and don't want to be late. C) They don't want the old woman to find out they have stolen the ham. D) They hate breakfast.
A) They are making fun of the old woman. B) They are interested in dreams. C) They had terrible nightmares. D) They like to talk.
A) live life simply B) bake a good ham C) judge character D) be kind to others
A) inviting them to stay for another day B) giving them dirty shirts to wear C) replacing the ham with a brick D) traveling with them the next day
A) large brick B) character in a dream C) hambone D) new king
A) the first ham that ever existed B) the old woman's ham C) the ruler of Travelibag D) the king in the dreams
A) She lets them stay another day. B) She gives them a ride to town on her donkey. C) She offers them breakfast the next day. D) She gives them advice
A) They should watch out for roguish old women. B) They should leave right away after stealing something. C) They should be honest. D) They shouldn't stay with strangers. |