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PH CH 13 Waves 15-16
供稿人: Conway
  • 1. the maximum displacement from equilibrium
A) amplitude
B) frequency
C) wavelength
D) node
  • 2. a point of maximum displacement on a standing wave
A) wavelength
B) antinode
C) wave pulse
D) expansion
  • 3. the area in a longitudinal wave where the medium particles are close together
A) expansion
B) trough
C) crest
D) compression
  • 4. interference that occurs when waves combine to form a larger wave
A) destructive interference
B) constructive interference
C) standing interference
D) mechanical interference
  • 5. a series of wave pulses at a regular frequency
A) continuous wave
B) antinodes
C) amplitude
D) crests
  • 6. the highest point on a transverse wave
A) hertz
B) natural frequency
C) crest
D) node
  • 7. interference that occurs when waves combine to form a smaller wave
A) resonant interference
B) longitudinal interference
C) periodic interference
D) destructive interference
  • 8. the area in a longitudinal wave where the medium particles are far apart
A) expansion
B) compression
C) hertz
D) medium
  • 9. the number of oscillations per unit of time
A) amplitude
B) interference
C) frequency
D) period
  • 10. a unit of frequency equal to 1 / second
A) wavelength
B) amps
C) Newtons
D) hertz
  • 11. a wave in which the particles oscillate parallel to the direction in which the wave travels
A) transverse wave
B) longitudinal wave
C) natural wave
D) standing wave
  • 12. a wave that requires a medium to travel through
A) standing wave
B) constructive wave
C) material wave
D) mechanical wave
  • 13. the material a wave travels through
A) medium
B) ether
C) trough
D) resonance
  • 14. the frequency at which an object oscillates by itself
A) superposition frequency
B) continuous frequence
C) nodal frequency
D) natural frequency
  • 15. a point on a standing wave that does not move
A) trough
B) node
C) crest
D) antinode
  • 16. the time required to complete one full cycle of periodic motion
A) natural frequency
B) medium
C) period
D) hertz
  • 17. any motion that repeats itself over and over
A) periodic motion
B) standing motion
C) wave motion
D) longitudinal motion
  • 18. the principle stating that a resultan wave is simply the sum of the individual waves that make it up
A) principle of resonance
B) principle of continuity
C) principle of superposition
D) principle of interference
  • 19. the state that exists when a system is subject to driven oscillations at its natural frequency
A) simple harmonic motion
B) resonance
C) harmonics
D) node
  • 20. a force that acts to bring an object back to equilibrium
A) resonant force
B) restoring force
C) Hooke's force
D) equalizing force
  • 21. the combined result of adding the amplitudes of overlapping waves
A) resultant wave
B) expansion wave
C) longitudinal wave
D) restoring wave
  • 22. motion that occurs when the force pushing or pulling an object toward the equilibrium poisition is proportional to the object's displacement from that position
A) simple harmonic motion
B) simple transverse motion
C) simple pendulum motion
D) simple resonant motion
  • 23. a device consisting of a mass suspended by a string or a rod
A) block and tackle
B) simple pendulum
C) Atwood's machine
D) rack and pinion
  • 24. a wave that oscillates in a fixed location
A) harmonic wave
B) constructive wave
C) standing wave
D) pendulum wave
  • 25. a wave in which the particles oscillate at right angles to the direction in which the wave travels
A) transverse wave
B) resonant wave
C) longitudinal wave
D) compression wave
  • 26. the lowest point on a transverse wave
A) period
B) amplitude
C) crest
D) trough
  • 27. a single disturbance in a medium
A) standing wave
B) continuous wave
C) transverse wave
D) wave pulse
  • 28. the distance from one crest to the next or from one trough to the next; the repeat length of a wave
A) amplitude
B) wave distance
C) periodic motion
D) wavelength
  • 29. When a wave reflects from a rigid boundary it will be _______________.
A) upright
B) inverted
  • 30. When a wave reflects from a loose boundary it will be _______________.
A) inverted
B) upright
  • 31. How many antinodes are represented by this standing wave.
A) 3
B) 4
C) 5
D) 2
  • 32. How many nodes are represented by this standing wave.
A) 5
B) 4
C) 3
D) 2
  • 33. What type of wave is represented?
A) transverse wave
B) total wave
C) inverted wave
D) longitudinal wave
  • 34. What is the name of point B?
A) trough
B) crest
C) compression
D) wavelength
  • 35. What is the name of point D?
A) compression
B) crest
C) trough
D) wavelength
  • 36. What is the name of the horizontal distance from point A to point E?
A) rarefaction
B) amplitude
C) wavelength
D) compression
  • 37. What is the name of the vertical distance from the horizontal line up to point F ?
A) amplitude
B) compression
C) rarefaction
D) wavelength
  • 38. What type of wave is represented?
A) transverse wave
B) longitudinal wave
  • 39. What type of intereference is represented?
A) constructive interference
B) equilibrium interference
C) destructive interference
D) neutral interference
  • 40. What type of intereference is represented?
A) constructive interference
B) destructive interference
C) neutral interference
D) equalibrium interference
  • 41. An alien on another planet sets up a pendulum that has a length of 0.50 m and a 2.0 kg bob on the end. It?s period is 2.3 s. What is the free-fall acceleration on the planet?
A) 15 m/s/s
B) 11.9 m/s/s
C) 8.4 m/s/s
D) 3.7 m/s/s
  • 42. What is the period of a pendulum that is 3.1 m long and has a bob with a mass of 45.0 kg?
A) 5.1 s
B) 4.6 s
C) 3.5 s
D) 2.7 s
  • 43. A mass on a spring vibrates in simple harmonic motion at an amplitude of 8.0 cm. If the mass of the object is 0.15 kg and the spring constant is 110 N/m, what is the frequency?
A) 0.23 Hz
B) 0.57 Hz
C) 3.7 Hz
D) 4.3 Hz
  • 44. A force of 92 N will stretch a spring a distance of 12 cm. Find the spring constant in units of N/m.
A) 78 N/m
B) 7.70 N/m
C) 0.78 N/m
D) 770 N/m
  • 45. A gigantic swing ride has a period of 16 seconds. What is its frequency?
A) 0.092 Hz
B) 0.075 Hz
C) 0.063 Hz
D) 0.080 Hz
  • 46. A gigantic swing at an amusement park has a frequency of 0.08 Hz. What is its period?
A) 12.5 s
B) 11.6 s
C) 12.1 s
D) 10.5 s
  • 47. A musical tone has a frequency of 256 Hz and a wavelength of 131 cm. What is the speed of sound in air in m/s?
A) 335 m/s
B) 33,536 m/s
C) 429 m/s
D) 197 m/s
  • 48. Find the frequency of a wave with a speed of 120 m/s and a wavelength of 65 cm.
A) 119 Hz
B) 78 Hz
C) 207 Hz
D) 185 Hz
  • 49. Find the wavelength of a radio wave that has a frequency of 104.3 MHz. The speed of the wave is 3.00 E 8 m/s.
A) 1.72 m
B) 1.86 m
C) 2.88 m
D) 2.49 m
  • 50. A tsunami (tidal wave) traveling across deep water can have a speed of 750 km/h and a wavelength of 320 km . What is the frequency of this wave?
A) 0.43 Hz
B) 0.00065 Hz
C) 2.3 Hz
D) 1536 Hz
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