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State Test Prep 1
供稿人: Conard
  • 1. An angle that measures less than 90 degrees
A) Acute Angle
B) Triangle
C) 9897
D) Obtuse Angle
E) Right Angle
  • 2. A triangle in which each of the three angles is acute
A) Triangle
B) Angle
C) Obtuse
D) Acute Triangle
  • 3. A figure that is formed by two rays with the same endpoint
A) Triangle
B) Angle
C) Obtuse
D) Acute Angle
  • 4. The number of square units in a region
A) Weight
B) Area
C) Volume
D) Capacity
  • 5. The amount a container can hold
A) Area
B) Capacity
C) Volume
D) Weight
  • 6. A point in a circle. Every point on a circle is the same distance from this point,
A) Center
B) Chord
C) Tangent
D) Diameter
  • 7. A metric unit of length (cm)
A) Decimeter
B) Kilometer
C) Centimeter
D) Meter
  • 8. A unit of time that equals 100 years
A) Century
B) Decade
C) Annual
D) Year
  • 9. A line segment that connects two points on a circle
A) Tangent
B) Center
C) Chord
D) Diameter
  • 10. A number with one or more digits to the right of a decimal point.
A) Decimal Equivalent
B) Decimal
  • 11. A decimal that is equal to a whole number, a fraction, or another decimal
A) decimal equivalent
B) Decimal
  • 12. A metric unit of length (dm)
A) Decimeter
B) Meter
C) Centimeter
D) Kilometer
  • 13. The number below the bar in a fraction (ex. 1/3)
A) Factor
B) Numerator
C) Denominator
D) Product
  • 14. A line segment that connects two points on the circle and passes through the center
A) Diameter
B) Tangent
C) Center
D) Chord
  • 15. The number that is divided in a division problem
A) Divisor
B) Dividend
C) Factor
D) Quotient
  • 16. The number by which the dividend is divided in a division problem
A) Divisor
B) Dividend
C) Product
D) Quotient
  • 17. The answer in a division problem
A) Quotient
B) Divisor
C) Dividend
D) Factor
  • 18. The line segment where two faces of a solid figure meet
A) Line
B) Edge
C) Faces
D) Area
  • 19. A triangle that has three congruent sides
A) Triangle
B) Acute Triangle
C) Obtuse Triangle
D) Equilateral Triangle
  • 20. A number close to an exact amount, or to find an answer by rounding
A) Front-end Estimation
B) Outcome
C) Estimate
D) Favorable Outcome
  • 21. A number written to show the value of each digit (ex. 2,435 is 2000 + 300 + 40 + 5)
A) Expanded Form
B) Short Word Form
C) Word Form
D) Standard Form
  • 22. A number or group of numbers with operation symbols and may have a variable
A) Product
B) Expression
C) Order of Operations
D) Function
  • 23. The flat surfaces of a solid figure
A) Faces
B) Edge
C) Center
D) Volume
  • 24. The numbers when multiplied together give the product
A) Product
B) Factors
C) Divisor
D) Quotient
  • 25. A desired result in a probability experiment
A) Grid
B) Outcome
C) Favorable Outcome
D) Estimate
  • 26. A method of estimating sums, differences, products, and quotients using front digits (ex. 473 + 128 is about 600)
A) Estimate
B) Favorable Outcome
C) Chart
D) Front-end Estimation
  • 27. A table of orderd pairs that follows a rule
A) Function Table
B) Graph
C) Pictograph
D) Chart
  • 28. A metric unit of mass (g)
A) Kilogram
B) Decigram
C) Gram
D) Centigram
  • 29. A chart that shows combinations of outcomes of an event
A) Chart
B) Pictograph
C) Favorable Outcome
D) Grid
  • 30. A polygon with six sides
A) Circle
B) Square
C) Pentagon
D) Hexagon
  • 31. One of the equal parts when a whole is divided into 100 equal parts
A) Ten-hundredth
B) Tenth
C) Hundredth
D) Thousandth
  • 32. Two expressions that are not equal
A) Inequality
B) Equality
C) Product
D) Outcome
  • 33. Lines that meet or cross at a common point
A) Congruent Lines
B) Intersecting Lines
C) Parallel Lines
D) Line
  • 34. A straight path that extends in opposite directions with no end point
A) Divisor
B) line
C) line segment
D) ray
  • 35. A part of a line that has two endpoints
A) ray
B) line
C) Triangle
D) line segment
  • 36. Describes whether a figure can be folded in half and its two parts match exactly
A) circle
B) ray
C) Line symmetry
D) Line of symmetry
  • 37. The line along which a figure can be folded so that the two halves match exactly
A) Line of symmetry
B) Line symmetry
C) triangle
D) circle
  • 38. The number found by dividing the sum of a group of numbers by the number of addends. Also call average
A) Mode
B) Mean
C) graph
D) Median
  • 39. The middle number when a set of numbers is arranged in order from least to greatest. For an even number of numbers, it is the average of the two middle numbers.
A) Mean
B) Median
C) Mode
D) chart
  • 40. The numbers that occur most often in a set of data
A) Mean
B) Mode
C) Product
D) Median
  • 41. The number above the bar in a fraction
A) Numerator
B) Denominator
C) Factors
D) Sum
  • 42. An angle that measures more than 90 degrees and less than 180 degrees
A) Triangle
B) Obtuse
C) Acute
D) Right
  • 43. A polygon with eight sides
A) Octogon
B) Square
C) Triangle
D) Pentagon
  • 44. The order in which operations must be performed in order to arrive at a correct answer
A) Expression
B) Order of Operations
C) grid
D) quotient
  • 45. A pair of numbers used to locate a point on a grid
A) Grid
B) Ordered Pair
C) Axis
D) Graph
  • 46. A result in a probability experiment
A) Favorable Outcome
B) Difference
C) Result
D) Outcome
  • 47. A quadrilateral in which both pairs of opposites sides are parallel
A) Parallelogram
B) Circle
C) Triangle
D) Pentagon
  • 48. A five-sided polygon
A) Square
B) Hexagon
C) Triangle
D) Pentagon
  • 49. The distance around the outside of a figure
A) Volume
B) Feet
C) Perimeter
D) Area
  • 50. Two lines or line segments that cross or meet to form right angles
A) Parallel Lines
B) Congruent Lines
C) Perpendicular Lines
D) Tangent
  • 51. A graph in which information is shown by means of pictures of symbols
A) Pie chart
B) Pictograph
C) Bar graph
D) Line Graph
  • 52. A simple closed plane figure made up of three or more line segments
A) Circle
B) Point
C) Net
D) Polygon
  • 53. The set of whole numbers that are greater than zero
A) Positive Integers
B) Negative integers
C) Zero
  • 54. Numbers that are greater than zero
A) Negative Numbers
B) Zero
C) Positive Numbers
  • 55. The answer in a multiplication problem
A) Product
B) Sum
C) Factor
D) Difference
  • 56. A polygon with four sides
A) Quadrilateral
B) Trapaziod
C) Triangle
D) Circle
  • 57. A segment that connects the center of a circle to any point on the circle
A) Center
B) Radius(radii)
C) Tangent
D) Ray
  • 58. Part of a line that starts at an endpoint and goes on forever in one direction
A) Circle
B) Line
C) Triangle
D) Ray
  • 59. To turn something over, front to back
A) Transformations
B) Reflection
C) Rotation
D) Translation
  • 60. An angle made when two line segments meet to form a square corner. It measures 90 degrees
A) Right Angle
B) Obtuse Angle
C) Acute Angle
D) Circle
  • 61. A triangle in which one of the angles measures 90 degrees
A) Triangle
B) Right Triangle
C) Obtuse Triangle
D) Acute Triangle
  • 62. A move that turns a figure around a point
A) Transformations
B) Rotation
C) Translation
D) Reflection
  • 63. A method of finding about how many or about how much by expressing a number to the nearest ten, hundred, thousand, and so on
A) Estimating
B) Rounding
C) Transformation
D) Difference
  • 64. A way to write a number by using digits and words to describe the periods of a number
A) Sum
B) Short Word Form
C) Expanded Form
D) Word Form
  • 65. The line segments that make up an angle or a polygon
A) Edges
B) Sides
C) Faces
D) Line
  • 66. A pyramid that has a square base
A) Square
B) Triangle
C) Traiangular Pyramid
D) Square Pyramid
  • 67. An angle that measures exactly 180 degrees, which forms a straight line
A) Straight Angle
B) Obtuse Angle
C) Acute Angle
D) RIght Angle
  • 68. Rotations, reflections, and translations which changes the position of a plane figure
A) Translation
B) Transformations
C) Rotation
D) Reflection
  • 69. An action that slides a figure in a straight line
A) Transformations
B) Reflection
C) Translation
D) Rotation
  • 70. A quadrilateral with two parallel sides
A) Polygon
B) Hexagon
C) Parallelogram
D) Trapezoid
  • 71. A polygon with three sides and three verticies
A) Trapezoid
B) Pentagon
C) Triangle
D) Square
  • 72. A pyramid whose base is a triangle
A) Triangular Pyramid
B) Triangle
C) Square
D) Square Pyramid
  • 73. An arrangement of objects, pictures, or numbers in columns and rows
A) Translation
B) Edges
C) Line
D) Array
  • 74. Figures that have the same size and the same shape
A) Square Pyramid
B) Congruent Figures
C) Tangent
D) Non Congruent Figures
  • 75. A solid figure that has six square faces of equal sizes
A) Cylinder
B) Cube
C) Pryamid
D) Prism
  • 76. A cube used to measure volume; each edge is one centimeter long
A) Cubic Centimeter
B) Cubic Liter
C) Cubic Kilometer
D) Cubic Meter
  • 77. A symbol used to separate dollars and cents in money amounts or to seperate ones and tenths in decimals
A) Digit
B) Cent Sign
C) Dollar Sign
D) Decimal Point
  • 78. The time that passes between the beginning and the end of an activity
A) Translation
B) Elapsed Time
C) Transformation
D) Sum
  • 79. The points at either end of a line segment or the beginning point of a ray
A) Endpoints
B) Segment
C) Faces
D) Edges
  • 80. The set of positive whole numbers, their opposites (negative numbers), and 0.
A) Fractions
B) Decimals
C) Digits
D) Integers
  • 81. The difference between two numbers on a scale
A) Interval
B) Sum
C) Faces
D) Line
  • 82. Denominators in two or more fractions that are the same (ex. 2/8, 5/8, 7/8)
A) Products
B) Like Denominators
C) Unlike Denominators
D) Sum
  • 83. A number that is the product of the given number and another number
A) Multiple
B) Sum
C) Product
D) Digit
  • 84. A flat pattern that can be folded to make a solid
A) Net
B) Faces
C) Multiple
D) Line
  • 85. Numbers used to show position, such as first, second, third
A) Fractions
B) Word Form
C) Ordinal Numbers
D) Decimals
  • 86. A point where the x- and y-axis intersect in a coordinate plane
A) Chart
B) Ordered Pair
C) Grid
D) Origin
  • 87. Each group of 3 digits separated by a comma in a number
A) Digit
B) Period
C) Dollar Sign
D) Sum
  • 88. To place points in the coordinate plane
A) Origin
B) Ordered Pair
C) Plot
D) Grid
  • 89. An exact location in space represented by a dot
A) Plot
B) Point
C) Graph
D) Grid
  • 90. A mathematical way of describing how likely it is that something will happen and can be any number from 0 through 1.
A) Sum
B) Ordered Pair
C) Probability
D) Products
  • 91. To use place value to exchange equal amounts when renaming a number
A) Estimate
B) Rename
C) Regroup
D) Round
  • 92. Polygons whose sides are all the same length, and whose angles are the same measure
A) Triangles
B) Regular Polygons
C) Irregular Polygons
D) Circles
  • 93. The number that is left after one whole number is divided by another
A) Factors
B) Product
C) Difference
D) Remainder
  • 94. A parallelogram with all four sides the same length
A) Circle
B) Pentagon
C) Rectangle
D) Rhombus
  • 95. After the figure is rotated about a point, the figure is the same as when in its original position
A) Rotations
B) Rotational Symmetry
C) Translation
D) Transformation
  • 96. Figures that have the same shape but not necessarily the same size
A) Similar Figures
B) Period
C) Intervals
D) Regular Polygons
  • 97. A polygon with four right angles and four congruent sides
A) Rectangle
B) Square
C) Triangle
D) Pentagon
  • 98. Points common to two sides of an angle or the two sides of a polygon
A) Vertex
B) Origin
C) Point
D) Digit
  • 99. The usual or common way of writing a number using digits
A) Standard Form
B) Short Word Form
C) Word Form
D) Expanded Form
  • 100. A symbol used to write a number
A) Million
B) Digit
C) Word Form
D) Period
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