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Year 10 Angles of Elevation and Depression
供稿人: Dobson
(原作者: Smith)
Angles of Elevation and Depression
    Year 10Trigonometry 
From a vertical cliff 80 m above sea level, a fishing boat is observed at an angle of depression of 6°. How far out to sea is the boat, correct to the nearest metre?
Question 1
The angle of elevation to the top of a vertical cliff fromsea level is 18° from a point 2 km from the base of the cliff.Find the height of the cliff, correct to the nearest metre.
Question 2
From a point 120 m horizontally from the base of a building, the angle of elevation to the top of the building is 34°. Find the height of the building, correct to the nearest metre.
Question 3
Question 4
The angle of elevation from point A on horizontal ground to the top of a 20 m high pole is 35°. A rope is attached from A to the top of the pole. Find the length of the rope, correct to 1 decimal place
From the top of a vertical cliff, Jim spots a boat 150 mout to sea. The angle of depression from Jim to the boat is 35°. How many metres (to the nearest whole number)above sea level is Jim
Question 5
The ramp from one level to the next in a car park is 20 mlong and drops 4 m. Find the angle of depression of the ramp, to the nearestdegree.
Question 6
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