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Constitution Vocab
供稿人: Wood
__1. adjournA. preamble
__2. billB. census or population count
__3. constitutionC. presiding officer of Senate when the V.P. is absent
__4. emolumentsD. principles and laws of a nation
__5. enumerationE. bringing charges against an official
__6. impeachmentF. charging a person with an offense
__7. indictmentG. minimum required members present to conduct sessions
__8. introductionH. to suspend a session
__9. president pro temporeI. salaries
__10. quorumJ. draft of a proposed law
__11. appropriationsA. income raised by government
__12. billB. draft of a proposed law
__13. dutyC. legislature's formal expression of opinion
__14. emolumentD. a court
__15. insurrectionE. talking by force property or territory
__16. reprisalF. rebellion
__17. resolutionG. funds set aside for a specific use
__18. revenueH. tax
__19. tribunalI. payment
__20. amendmentA. tax
__21. common lawB. surrender of a criminal to another authority
__22. extraditionC. violation of the allegience owed to one's country
__23. impostD. a change to the Constitution
__24. quarterE. process by which an amendment is approved
__25. ratificationF. to provide living accommodations
__26. treasonG. document that gives a police particular rights or powers
__27. warrantH. law established by previous court decisions
__28. abridgeA. more than half
__29. appellate jurisdictionB. to reduce
__30. apportiontmentC. rebellion against the government
__31. devolveD. to pass on
__32. emancipatonE. authority to hear cases appealed in a lower court
__33. insurrectionF. freedom from slavery
__34. majorityG. distribution of seats in House based on population
__35. naturalizationH. an office or positon that is unfilled or unoccupied
__36. original jurisdictionI. process by which a foreign national becomes a citizen
__37. vacancyJ. authority to be the first court to hear a case
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