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供稿人: Messer
  • 1. Asexual reproduction occurs within many___________.
A) plants
B) humans
C) insects
D) animals
  • 2. chlorophyll is
A) the sugar used for energy
B) the tissue in trees used to absorb water
C) the structure inside of cells
D) the pigment that makes plants green
  • 3. chloroplasts are
A) the sugar used in plants for food
B) structures inside the cell
C) the pigment that makes the plants green
D) the tissue in trees used to absorb water
  • 4. glucose is
A) the sugars used by plants to grow and develop
B) the structures inside a cell
C) the pigment that gives plants their green color
D) the tissue in trees that absorbs water
  • 5. Heterotrophs are
A) are all the plants on earth
B) living organism that requires eating food to get energy needed to grow and develop
C) living organisms that are able to make their own food using the sun to get their energy
D) only some of the animals on earth
  • 6. Autotrophs are?
A) living organisms that are able to make their own food using the sun to get their energy
B) only some of the animals on earth
C) all the plants on earth
D) living organism that requires eating food to get energy needed to grow and develop
  • 7. An organism is
A) any non-living thing
B) any living thing
C) another name for the cells in your body
D) another name for the organs in our body
  • 8. The Chemical Formula for Glucose is
A) C12H6O12
C) C6H12O6
D) Glucose
  • 9. How many oxygen molecules are waste after the Photosynthesis process?
A) 2
B) 6
C) 0
D) 12
  • 10. What is the flower part labeled 10?
A) petal
B) ovary
C) stigma
D) anther
  • 11. what is the flower part labeled 11?
A) stigma
B) style
C) filament
D) anther
  • 12. What is the flower part labeled 12?
A) stigma
B) filament
C) ovary
D) anther
  • 13. what is the flower part labeled 13?
A) filament
B) ovary
C) petal
D) style
  • 14. what is the flower part labeled 14?
A) stigma
B) style
C) ovary
D) anther
  • 15. what is the flower part labeled 15?
A) stigma
B) anther
C) ovary
D) filament
  • 16. What is another name for the sugar developed inside the plant?
A) saccharine
B) sucrose
C) stevia
D) glucose
  • 17. The name of the male part of the flower where pollen is stored.
A) sepal
B) Anther
C) petal
D) filament
  • 18. The seed is grown in what female part of the plant?
A) style
B) ovary
C) fl lament
D) anther
  • 19. These are Multicellular
A) both vascular and nonvascular
B) only vascular plants
C) Only nonvascular plants.
  • 20. Can only reproduce by spores. Example: moss
A) heterotroph
B) mushrooms
C) nonvascular plants
D) vascular plants
  • 21. Eukaryotes means_____________.
A) cells that have a nucleus
B) no nucleus
C) vascular
D) nonvascular
  • 22. Plants that are seed producers AND spore producers, and grow tall.
A) vascular
B) nonvascular
C) unhealthy
  • 23. Transports the food produced in the leaves to other parts of the plant, including the roots.
A) muscular
B) vascular
C) eukaryotes
D) nonvascular
  • 24. Cells are
A) In Living and Non-Living organisms
B) Units or building blocks that have a definite structure and function
C) In a Jail and only in a Jail
D) Never blocked and always various shaped in Plants
  • 25. Has true roots, stems, and leaves.
A) vascular
B) nonvascular
C) weeds
D) postvascular
  • 26. Name the tissue in the plant carries the food from the roots up to the leaves.
A) xylem
B) sepal
C) phloem
D) cuticle
  • 27. The name of the tissue in the plant that carries the food from the leaves down to the rest of the plant.
A) stomata
B) cuticle
C) phloem
D) xylem
  • 28. Pores or holes in the leaf that absorb water and carbon dioxide from the air.
A) chlorophyll
B) stomata
C) tropism
D) cuticle
  • 29. ____________is he top layer of the leaf and also the Thickest layer of the leaf.
A) phloem
B) autotroph
C) cuticle
D) vacuole
  • 30. The process a green plant goes through to create food using the sun's energy.
A) trophosynthesis
B) glucosynthesis
C) photosynthesis
D) Digestion
  • 31. Which answer gives the correct ingredients for photosynthesis to occur?
A) carbon dioxide, chloroplasts, water, darkness
B) water, sunlight, hydrogen, oxygen
C) sugar, Carbon Monoxide, Water, and moonlight
D) carbon dioxide, sunlight, chlorophyll, and water
  • 32. An organism is
A) any non-living things
B) any living thing
C) any living and non-living things
D) everything on the Earth
  • 33. A vacuole can store
A) Water, Glucose, and Waste
B) dirt that it vacuums up
C) CO2, H2O, and Carbon Monoxide
D) Water, Glucose, and Carbon Dioxide
  • 34. Is an organism that makes its own food.
A) heterotroph
B) decomposer
C) Producer
D) autotroph
  • 35. Respiration is the
A) exchange of xylem and phloem
B) exchange of gases
C) exchange of sugars and waste
D) H2O, CO2, and Waste
  • 36. Tissue is
A) similar cells that are spread apart and distant
B) Common cells that are grouped together to provide a specific purpose and function
C) Any cells combined into a group
  • 37. Conifers or trees which bare cones are _______.
A) angiosperm
B) gymnosperm
  • 38. A flowering plant – that produces a seed enclosed by a fruit
A) gymnosperm
B) angiosperm
  • 39. The process of cells moving from a greater concentration to a lesser concentration is called
A) Diphtheria
B) Equilibrium
C) Division
D) Diffusion
  • 40. In humans we have pores that allow for waste and other functions to be released, what do plants have on the bottom of the leaf for exchange of gases?
A) cuticles
B) cell walls
C) stomatas
D) pores
  • 41. Virus' are a living organism
A) False
B) True
C) Depends on the virus
  • 42. Virus' DO NOT contain DNA
A) False
B) Depends on the virus
C) True
  • 43. Which type of transport does NOT require energy to be used?
A) transportation of oxygen to the lungs
B) transportation of blood
C) passive transport
D) active transport
  • 44. What are the main differences between plant and animal cells?
A) power plants, chemical factories, and membranes
B) covering, color and shape
C) size, color, and names
D) reproduction, growth, and nucleus
  • 45. Where did two bombs explode the other day during a major event in the United States?
A) Israel
B) Afghanistan
C) New York Marathon
D) Boston Marathon
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