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Quiz: Ancient Greece
Contribució de: Russ
(Autor original: Salema)
  • 1. The highest part of a city; often the site for a temple.
A) frieze
B) acropolis
C) league
D) agora
  • 2. A government ruled by a small group of people.
A) theocracy
B) oligarchy
C) tyranny
D) anarchy
  • 3. a government ruled by the people.
A) theocracy
B) democracy
C) frieze
D) oligarchy
  • 4. Government by divine guidance, it comes from the Greek word theo which means god.
A) anarchy
B) oligarchy
C) theocracy
D) monarchy
  • 5. A long poem about great heroes and their adventures.
A) epic
B) oracle
C) frieze
D) policy
  • 6. A city that is also an independent nation.
A) agora
B) frieze
C) poli
D) parthenon
  • 7. A famous temple dedicated to Athena.
A) Oracle
B) Agora
C) Poli
D) Parthenon
  • 8. The main marketplace in a Greek city.
A) frieze
B) omega
C) agora
D) poli
  • 9. What are the two epic poems written by Homer
A) Alpha and Omega
B) Triad and Metropolis
C) Iliad and Odyssey
D) Polis and Poli
  • 10. Many times, the Greeks would siege a city. What does this mean?
A) to burn down a village
B) to blockade a walled city
C) to make the villagers slaves
D) to take over a city by a dictator
  • 11. What are the Greek names for the first and last letters of their alphabet?
A) alpha and beta
B) alpha and omega
C) omega and epsilon
D) sigma and kappa
  • 12. In monarchy, the stem mono means...
A) king
B) ten
C) emperor
D) one
  • 13. The muses were the goddesses of ...
A) the arts and music
B) learning and education
C) inspiration, learning, and the arts
D) the harvest and food
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