Ballpark Estimation
  • 1. Round 43 to the nearest 10
A) 40
B) 30
C) 50
D) 20
  • 2. Round 87 to the nearest 10
A) 90
B) 80
C) 70
D) 100
  • 3. Round 51 to the nearest 10
A) 40
B) 50
C) 60
D) 30
  • 4. Round 78 to the nearest 10
A) 80
B) 60
C) 90
D) 70
  • 5. Round 45 to the nearest 10
A) 50
B) 60
C) 30
D) 40
  • 6. Round 59 to the nearest 10
A) 80
B) 50
C) 70
D) 60
  • 7. Round 16 to the nearest 10
A) 40
B) 10
C) 30
D) 20
  • 8. Round 32 to the nearest 10
A) 20
B) 30
C) 40
D) 10
  • 9. Round 74 to the nearest 10
A) 50
B) 80
C) 60
D) 70
  • 10. Round 55 to the nearest 10
A) 50
B) 40
C) 60
D) 70
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