Odd and Even Numbers
  • 1. Find the odd number.
A) 35
B) 24
C) 38
D) 26
  • 2. Find the even number.
A) 91
B) 17
C) 33
D) 52
  • 3. Find the even number.
A) 68
B) 77
C) 11
D) 53
  • 4. Find the odd number.
A) 44
B) 23
C) 58
D) 76
  • 5. Find the odd number.
A) 71
B) 60
C) 82
D) 94
  • 6. Find the even number.
A) 89
B) 93
C) 67
D) 20
  • 7. Find the odd number.
A) 284
B) 129
C) 142
D) 338
  • 8. Find the even number.
A) 254
B) 343
C) 711
D) 659
  • 9. Find the odd number.
A) 260
B) 458
C) 427
D) 372
  • 10. Find the even number.
A) 427
B) 861
C) 576
D) 283
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