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Neighborhood Friends
Hauen laguntzarekin: Rogers
  • 1. Which one of the following was not an activity mentioned that Marco enjoyed?
A) soccer
B) golf
C) baseball
D) juggling
  • 2. Which of the following was an activity that Marco and Gwen had in common?
A) riding bikes
B) playing tennis
C) going to the circus
D) watching television
  • 3. What type of genre is this selection?
A) biography
B) biography
C) fantasy
D) realistic fiction
  • 4. Who was peering from behind the curtains?
A) Mrs. Snyder
B) Gwen's sister
C) Mrs. Snyder's cat
D) Marco's mother
  • 5. What is the setting for this story?
A) Main Street
B) the children's neighborhood
C) the playground
D) Gwen's house
  • 6. Which word best describes Marco?
A) determined
B) bossy
C) talented
D) lonely
  • 7. Where did Marco think Mrs. Synder had put the cookies?
A) on Marco's porch
B) on her kitchen table
C) in the trash
D) in the garage
  • 8. Which of the following words has a suffix?
A) disappeared
B) friends
C) wonderful
D) sudden
  • 9. What present did Gwen give Mrs. Synder?
A) a loaf of bread
B) a necklace
C) a scarf
D) cookies
  • 10. What design did Gwen draw on the card for Mrs. Synder?
A) hearts
B) rainbows
C) frogs
D) flowers
  • 11. Read the last sentence in the story. What type of sentence is this?
A) exclamatory
B) imperative
C) interrogative
D) declaraive
  • 12. What was the problem or conflict in this selection?
A) They had to win the next soccer game.
B) Marco and Gwen had to learn to juggle for a talent show.
C) Everyone in the neighborhood was their friend except one old lady.
D) Marco and Gwen argued at school each day.
  • 13. Which word best describes Mrs. Synder?
A) bossy
B) angry
C) tired
D) lonely
  • 14. Which of the following sentences is a fact?
A) Mrs. Synder was mean.
B) Gwen was wrong to sign Marco's name.
C) Marco and Gwen were best friends.
D) Marco juggled well.
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