A) Task-based B) Direct C) Audiolingual D) CLIL E) Grammar-Translation
A) Direct B) Content-based instruction C) Community Language Learning D) Audiolingual E) TPR
A) Task-based B) Grammar-Translation C) Content Based Instruction D) Audiolingual E) Direct
A) To produce written language through applying grammar rules and vocabulary seen before. B) To produce language orally through memorizing chunks of language to be used in further opportunities. C) To self-correct by paying attention to silent cues signaled by the teacher. D) To translate the classical language by applying vocabulary, grammar and spellling without exactly understanding its meaning. E) To produce language orally by repeating exactly what the teacher translated in chunks said in the native language.
A) Communicative Language Teaching B) Grammar-translation C) Direct Method D) Audiolingual E) Task-based language teaching
A) Task-based instruction B) All of the above C) Grammar-translation D) Total Physical Response E) Communicative Language Teaching
A) Community Language Teaching B) Task-Based Language Teaching C) Content Based Instruction D) Audio-lingual E) Communicative Language Teaching
A) Communicative Language Teaching B) Task-based Language Teaching C) Communitiy Language Learning D) Direct Method E) Total Physical Response
A) Dessugestopedia B) Communicative Approach C) Audio-lingual D) Grammar-Translation E) Total Physical Response
A) Task-based Language Teaching B) CLIL C) Learning strategy Training D) Content-based Instruction E) Multiple intelligences
A) Total Physical Response B) The Silent Way C) CLIL D) Community Language Teaching E) Cooperative Learning
A) Dessuggestopedia, Task-based Instruction and The Silent Way B) Task-based approach C) Audiolingual method D) The Silent Way E) Grammar-translation method
A) Experiential Learning B) Audiolingual Method C) Grammar-Translation Method D) Dessugestopedia E) Direct Method
A) Content Based Learning B) Audiolingual C) Experiential Learning Model D) Direct Method E) Dessugestopedia
A) The result of many approaches which state what to do and what not to do in order to accomplish the teaching-learning cycle. B) A systematic way of teaching, containing clear steps and techniques as well as teacher/student roles to accomplish determined actions with the purpose of achieving learning. C) A methodology resulting from psychological, pedagogical, social, didactic, and reflective insights to design teaching activities. D) A recipe to obtain learning in the student through teaching actions. E) A way of doing something with information and mainly plenty of activities so that the students feel comfortable and enjoy their process in school.
A) The communicative approach is the best-known current approach to language teaching. Task-based teaching is a methodology associated with it. Other approaches include the cognitive-code approach, and the aural-oral approach (audiolingual method). B) A theoretical view of methodologies and how should they be applied in terms of activities. C) Teachers select techniques from various approaches according to the different needs of their learners. Most coursebooks mix methods and techniques in this way. D) A holistic view of the learning process underlying many things within the teaching process. E) A way of looking at learning and teaching based on theories from different disciplines that leads to the development and application of methods.
A) A set of activities carefully chosen to target and achieve a specific learning outcome from the students. B) The most common teaching strategies are: direct instruction, indirect instruction, interactive instruction, independent study and experimental learning. C) Teaching strategies vary according to the grade level and subject being taught but mainly to the learning needs of the students. D) The way an instructor chooses to convey information and facilitate learning through instructions and assessment. E) Teaching strategies refer to methods used to help students learn the desired course contents and be able to develop achievable goals in the future
A) A strategy B) A method C) An approach D) A theory E) A technique
A) Theory on human nature and its ability to learn. B) Theories on methods and their effects in student learning. C) Theoretical dissertations on strategies and methods as well as their impact in society. D) Theoretical studies from psychology, pedagogy, sociology, lingüistics, and didactics-among others. E) Theories on the most advanced studies on technological uses for education.
A) The grammar issues necessary to teach. B) The happiness in the student´s experience. C) The student´s learning needs. D) The time assigned to cover a determined content. E) The satisfaction of the teacher upon student learning. |