Mesopotamia - Ch 3 Test - (Mitchell)
  • 1. Which is a river of Mesopotamia?
A) Euphrates River
B) Nile River
C) Amazon River
D) Missouri River
  • 2. King ____________ was known for his laws of the land
A) Babylon
B) Hammurabi
C) Ur
D) Mesopotamia
  • 3. What Does Mesopotamia mean?
A) “Land between 2 rivers”
B) “Land of a 1000 lakes”
C) “Land of Hammurabi”
D) “Land of the first civilization”
  • 4. This term is known as the world’s first writing?
A) Babylon
B) English
C) stylus
D) Cuneiform
  • 5. A civilization is a __________________.
A) People and how they speak
B) River in Mesopotamia
C) Centralized society with a government, religion, and forms of learning
D) Ruler
  • 6. In what area is ancient Mesopotamia found in?
A) Fertile Crescent
B) Australia
C) Fertile River
D) South America
  • 7. What is the name of the Ancient Mesopotamian temple?
A) Church
B) Pyramid
C) Ziggurat
D) Synagogue
  • 8. Polytheism is the belief in many Gods, ______________ is the belief in 1 God.
A) Islam
B) Polytheism
C) Monotheism
D) Jew
  • 9. Ancient Mesopotamia is found in what present day country?
A) Saudi Arabia
B) Egypt
C) Iraq
D) Antarctica
  • 10. A government is a ________________.
A) Skill or knowledge to make products to meet our needs
B) Form of religion
C) System that groups use to make laws and decisions
D) System of irrigation, invented the Mesopotamians
  • 11. Mesopotamia is a great river valley formed by__________________.
A) The Red Sea
B) The Tigris and Euphrates
C) The Nile
D) The Orontes
  • 12. Writing grew out of the need to....
A) To tell stories
B) To keep cows
C) To make public signs
D) To keep records
  • 13. Mesopotamia is found in this continent?
A) South America
B) Asia
C) France
D) Africa
  • 14. Sumer was the first civilization. (Worth 2 pts)
A) False
B) True
  • 15. Mesopotamia is often referred to as?
A) Cradle of land
B) Cradle of Civilization
C) Cradle of Laws
D) Cradle of Islam
  • 16. List the Civilizations (8) that evolved in the Fertile Crescent. Remember the sentence we discussed to help you remember the Civilizations. Do your best with spelling.
  • 17. This is a Sumerian cylinder seal. How were cylinder seals used in Mesopotamia?
A) The cylinders were used as jars or cups for the wealthy.
B) The cylinders were displayed in palaces and temples.
C) The cylinders were rolled over clay to leave an imprint.
D) The cylinders were used to standardize weights of trade items.
  • 18. What is the significance of Hammurabi’s Code?
A) It is the decree that kings use to show their authority.
B) It was the first written constitution granting rights to all citizens.
C) It is the first written body of laws used to organize society.
D) It is the basis for England’s Magna Carta and the U.S. Constitution.
  • 19. When the rivers flooded in the spring, it was due to the
A) heavy rain falling throughout the area
B) strong winds that blew from the Persian Gulf
C) ice that had formed on the river broke into bits
D) snow that melted in the mountains where the rivers begin
  • 20. 7. How did the sail impact the Mesopotamians?
A) They were able to trade over long distances.
B) They were able to build a powerful navy.
C) They were able to remain isolated from other cultures.
D) They were able to grow more crops.
  • 21. What two rivers run through Mesopotamia?
A) Nile and Tigris Rivers
B) Tigris and Euphrates Rivers
C) Tigris and Sumer Rivers
D) Zagro and Euphrates Rivers
  • 22. The earliest cities developed by what year?
A) 3500 AD
B) 1904 AD
C) 10,000 B.C.E
D) 3500 B.C.E
  • 23. What is irrigation?
A) A paleolithic tool
B) The climate that the Sumerians needed to adjust to
C) A new method of fighting
D) A means to control water supply to the land
  • 24. A self-governing city that has its own ruler and laws is known as a
A) City-State
B) State-City
C) Empire
D) Culture
  • 25. A person hired to keep track of the items people trades is known as a
A) slave
B) king
C) scribe
D) priest
  • 26. This tells a story of a hero. Gilgamesh is an example of a hero in this type of story.
A) tall tale
B) fairy tale
C) epic
D) mystery
  • 27. Who established a code of 282 laws?
A) Sargon
B) Nebuchadnezzar
C) poppy
D) Hammurabi
  • 28. Who is responsible for creating one of the seven wonders of the world?
A) Nebuchadnezzar
B) Sargon
C) Hammurabi
D) Gilgamesh
  • 29. Who was the most famous Chaldean King?
A) Sargon
B) Gilgamesh
C) Nebuchadnezzar
D) Hammurabi
  • 30. Who is responsible for the achievement of the alphabet?
A) Phoenicians
B) Babylonians
C) Sumerians
D) Chaldeans
  • 31. The Phoenicians are responsible for all of the following as trade exports EXCEPT
A) cedar wood
B) glass objects
C) chariots
D) purple dye
  • 32. Which civilization was the fiercest of warriors who imposed cruelty even before they went in to battle?
A) Assyrians
B) Babylonians
C) Chaldeans
D) Sumerians
  • 33. One of the most important inventions by the Sumerians was the
A) purple dye
B) wheel
C) a code of laws
D) alphabet
  • 34. Which of the following is not a Sumerian god/goddess
A) Enlil
B) Zeus
C) Inanna
D) Utu
  • 35. In the order of social hierarchy, which person is considered the second most important?
A) farmers
B) craftsmen
C) King
D) traders
E) priest
  • 36. The first gold coins were used by the
A) Sumerians
B) Chaldeans
C) Lydians
D) Babylonians
  • 37. The Fertile Crescent got its name because
A) it's in an arid valley in the Middle East
B) it's a land of rich soil that's ideal for agriculture
C) the people who lived there had lots of children
D) it was one of the earliest civilizations
  • 38. Hammurabi's Code is a famous system of laws because it
A) had such lenient punishments, which allowed for personal freedom
B) is thought to be one of the earliest written sets of laws
C) led directly to the development of democracy
D) was considered unfair, causing people to rebel in the world's firs insurrection
  • 39. He was among the first leaders to have a permanent army
A) Gilgamesh
B) Hammurabi
C) Utu
D) Sargon
  • 40. What purpose did the wall around a city serve?
A) to protect the people of the city-state from floods
B) to protect the people of the city-state from attack
C) to collect water that could be used to irrigate farmland
D) to keep people from moving to another city-state
  • 41. A synonym for gods/goddesses is
A) rulers
B) disciples
C) deities
D) polytheism
  • 42. Who served as a role between the Sumerians and the gods?
A) kings
B) war chiefs
C) farmers
D) priests
  • 43. What was most likely the reason that ziggurats were tall?
A) so they could easily be found
B) to honor the gods
C) to mark the center of the city
D) so architects could display their work
  • 44. What technology did the Hittites and Assyrians use in battle?
A) fire and chariots
B) bows and arrows
C) iron weapons and chariots
D) battleships and iron weapons
  • 45. Which people grew more powerful due to trade rather than from winning battles?
A) Hittites
B) Phoenicians
C) Chaldeans
D) Kassites
  • 46. The first group to rule after Hammurabi (Babylonians) was
A) the Hittites
B) the Kassites
C) the Phoenicians
D) the Assyrians
  • 47. The Assyrian capital was named
A) Babylon
B) Ur
C) Sumer
D) Nineveh
  • 48. Sumerians developed one of the first known civilizations in Mesopotamia. A Civilization has
A) a division of labor
B) people living in an organized society
C) people who produce more food than they need to survive
D) all of the these
E) people who live in towns or cities with some from of government
  • 49. What job would study the natural features of the earth such as water, land, and climate?
A) Geographers
B) Archaeologists
C) Anthropologists
D) Historians
  • 50. Why was the Fertile Crescent the site of many early civilizations?
A) The hills were rich with gold
B) The soil was good for crops
C) The caves provided shelter for the people
D) The forest was full of animals
  • 51. Trade brings new resources to an area; what is an additional POSITIVE effect of civilization?
A) Wars are fought over new land
B) Old products are not used anymore
C) Populations decrease
D) New ideas are spread and culture grows
  • 52. Why did writing start?
A) To tell stories
B) To communicate with new people from different areas
C) To record information
D) To teach people to farm
  • 53. Many early civilizations believed in many gods. What is this called?
A) Monotheism
B) Theology
C) Polytheism
D) Deitism
  • 54. How did rivers contribute to the survival of the early civilizations?
A) Provided a power source
B) Formed barriers around civilizations
C) Provided a route to get to other civilizations
D) Provided a supply of water and rich soil for growing food
  • 55. Irrigation is still used today.
A) False
B) True
  • 56. Mesopotamians used the plow to make their farmland more productive. Which of the following was necessary for the use of the plow?
A) the creation of government
B) the invention of writing
C) the establishment of cities
D) the domestication of oxen
  • 57. Which letter on the map labels the location of Mesopotamia and the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers?
A) Z
B) W
C) Y
D) X
  • 58. Religion was very important in Mesopotamian civilization. Temples were among the largest buildings in cities, and priests had a great amount of authority. Which answer best describes the reason for this?
A) The Mesopotamians believed that their religious leaders were the hardest workers.
B) The Mesopotamians believed that all Mesopotamians could speak with the gods.
C) The Mesopotamians believed that religion and government should be separate.
D) The Mesopotamians believed the gods had control over harvests and disasters.
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