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Force and Motion Vocabulary
Prispevano od: Pohly
  • 1. Motion
A) an SI unit used by scientists to express force
B) when an object changes position in relation to a reference point over a period of time
C) the object that stays in place in relation to an object that is moving
D) the speed of an object in a particular direction
  • 2. Reference point
A) the speed of an object in a particular direction
B) when an object changes position in relation to a reference point over a period of time
C) when an object changes position in relation to a reference point over a period of time
D) the object that stays in place in relation to an object that is moving
  • 3. Speed
A) when an object changes position in relation to a reference point over a period of time
B) the rate at which an object moves; speed depends on the DISTANCE traveled and the TIME taken to travel that distance
C) an SI unit used by scientists to express force
D) the object that stays in place in relation to an object that is moving
  • 4. Velocity
A) the object that stays in place in relation to an object that is moving
B) the speed of an object in a particular direction
C) the rate at which an object moves; speed depends on the DISTANCE traveled and the TIME taken to travel that distance
D) when an object changes position in relation to a reference point over a period of time
  • 5. Acceleration
A) the object that stays in place in relation to an object that is moving
B) an SI unit used by scientists to express force
C) the speed of an object in a particular direction
D) the rate at which velocity (speed and/or direction) changes
  • 6. Centripetal acceleration or centripetal force
A) the object that stays in place in relation to an object that is moving
B) when an object changes position in relation to a reference point over a period of time
C) the speed of an object in a particular direction
D) acceleration that occurs in a circular motion
  • 7. Force
A) an SI unit used by scientists to express force
B) when an object changes position in relation to a reference point over a period of time
C) the speed of an object in a particular direction
D) a push or a pull; all forces have both size and direction
  • 8. Newton
A) an SI unit used by scientists to express force
B) when an object changes position in relation to a reference point over a period of time
C) the object that stays in place in relation to an object that is moving
D) the speed of an object in a particular direction
  • 9. Net force
A) when the net force of an object is NOT zero; it takes an unbalanced force to produce any change in motion
B) the force that results from combining all of the forces exerted on an object
C) when the forces applied to an object produce a net force of zero; balanced forces DO NOT cause any change in motion
D) happens when a force causes an object to move in the direction of the force
  • 10. Unbalanced force
A) happens when a force causes an object to move in the direction of the force
B) when the net force of an object is NOT zero; it takes an unbalanced force to produce any change in motion
C) when the forces applied to an object produce a net force of zero; balanced forces DO NOT cause any change in motion
D) the force that results from combining all of the forces exerted on an object
  • 11. Balanced force
A) when the forces applied to an object produce a net force of zero; balanced forces DO NOT cause any change in motion
B) the force that results from combining all of the forces exerted on an object
C) when the net force of an object is NOT zero; it takes an unbalanced force to produce any change in motion
D) happens when a force causes an object to move in the direction of the force
  • 12. Work
A) the force that results from combining all of the forces exerted on an object
B) happens when a force causes an object to move in the direction of the force
C) when the forces applied to an object produce a net force of zero; balanced forces DO NOT cause any change in motion
D) when the net force of an object is NOT zero; it takes an unbalanced force to produce any change in motion
  • 13. Friction
A) the force of ATTRACTION between all objects that is due to their masses
B) the amount of matter in an object; its value DOES NOT change because of gravity
C) the measure of gravitational forces exerted on an object; its value DOES change depending on gravity
D) a force that OPPOSES motion between two surfaces that are touching
  • 14. Gravity
A) the amount of matter in an object; its value DOES NOT change because of gravity
B) the force of ATTRACTION between all objects that is due to their masses
C) the measure of gravitational forces exerted on an object; its value DOES change depending on gravity
D) a force that OPPOSES motion between two surfaces that are touching
  • 15. Weight
A) the amount of matter in an object; its value DOES NOT change because of gravity
B) a force that OPPOSES motion between two surfaces that are touching
C) the measure of gravitational forces exerted on an object; its value DOES change depending on gravity
D) the force of ATTRACTION between all objects that is due to their masses
  • 16. Mass
A) the amount of matter in an object; its value DOES NOT change because of gravity
B) the measure of gravitational forces exerted on an object; its value DOES change depending on gravity
C) the force of ATTRACTION between all objects that is due to their masses
D) a force that OPPOSES motion between two surfaces that are touching
  • 17. Inertia
A) the tendency of all objects to resist any change in motion; an object at rest will remain at rest unless a force acts on it and an object in motion will stay in motion until a force acts on it
B) the characteristic of a moving body that is caused by its mass and its motion
C) the amount of matter in an object; its value DOES NOT change because of gravity
D) the rate at which velocity (speed and/or direction) changes
  • 18. Momentum
A) the tendency of all objects to resist any change in motion; an object at rest will remain at rest unless a force acts on it and an object in motion will stay in motion until a force acts on it
B) the characteristic of a moving body that is caused by its mass and its motion
C) the rate at which velocity (speed and/or direction) changes
D) the amount of matter in an object; its value DOES NOT change because of gravity
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