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Force & Motion
Prispevano od: Barent
  • 1. Who developed 3 laws about motion and the theory of gravity?
A) Bush
B) Mendel
C) Newton
D) Watson and Crick
  • 2. Inertia depends on?
A) time
B) mass
C) rainbows
D) distance
  • 3. Motion is the change in...
A) position
B) volume
C) time
D) mass
  • 4. How far an object travels measured in meters is...
A) mass
B) volume
C) distance
D) time
  • 5. Speed depends on...
A) velocity
B) distance and time
C) volume
D) position
  • 6. Any object that has mass and takes up space is...
A) matter
B) energy
C) time
D) a vacuum
  • 7. What causes an object to move or accelerate?
A) motion
B) distance
C) force
D) time
  • 8. A characteristic of all matter that depends on mass is called...
A) inertia
B) color
C) flexibility
D) direction
  • 9. When an object changes speed or direction, it has...
A) volume
B) mass
C) acceleration
D) direction
  • 10. How long it takes for an object to change position is called..., measured in seconds.
A) time
B) direction
C) temperature
D) mass
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