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Vocabulary 2: composition
Prispevano od: McCann
__1. essayA. writing developing main ideas, opinions, supports, details
__2. expositoryB. something that is known to be true
__3. factC. writing that informs, explains, or presents ideas & facts
__4. independent clauseD. partial sentence; missing the subject or verb, or both
__5. indirect objectE. full sentence that has a subject and a verb
__6. interjectionF. noun that answers "to whom." "to what," or "for what"
__7. mechanicsG. an inserted word or phrase expressing bold emotion: "WOW!"
__8. narrativeH. how it's put together-capitalized, punctuated, spelled, etc
__9. nounI. names a person, place, thing, or idea
__10. sentence fragmentJ. writing wherein someone tells a story, real or imagined
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