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President's Challenge quiz
Prispevano od: Labbe
  • 1. The purpose of the President’s Challenge Fitness Program is to:
A) Offer awards to encourage students to stay active
B) All apply
C) Recognize students who achieve a good level of physical fitness
D) Assess your current fitness level
  • 2. The partial curl-up, or crunch test, measures
A) Flexibility
B) Speed
C) Upper body strength
D) Abdominal strength and endurance
  • 3. The pull-up test measures:
A) Upper body strength
B) Cardiovascular endurance
C) Flexibility
D) Speed
  • 4. The shuttle run test measures speed and
A) Flexibility
B) Strength
C) Endurance
D) Agility
  • 5. The sit and reach test measures _________ of the hamstrings and lower back.
A) Endurance
B) Agility
C) Flexibility
D) Strength
  • 6. The mile run fitness test measures:
A) Muscular strength
B) Agility
C) Flexibility
D) Cardiovascular endurance
  • 7. Which of the following exercises will help you improve on your pull-up test?
A) Leg press
B) Running
C) Push ups
D) Crunches
  • 8. Which of the following routines is in the proper order?
A) Game, warm up, stretch
B) Hard activity, stretch, warm up
C) Stretch, warm up, game
D) Warm up, stretch, hard activity
  • 9. Why is flexibility important?
A) To improve endurance
B) To improve muscular strength
C) To prevent injury and help mainitain good posture
D) To improve speed and agility
  • 10. Besides the mile, which of the following is a good cardiovascular exercise?
A) Basketball
B) Hockey
C) Biking
D) Weight training
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