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  • 1. My name is Peter Fox. I don't really have any special nicknames. I like when the others call me Pete. I was born on 13th February 1986 in Debrecen. So I'm 25 now. I'm 185 cm tall. I'm rather thin. That's why I work out weekly. I've got short red hair and blue eyes. My face is oval. My nose is snub. I've got lots of freckles. They come out in summer. I usually wear casual clothes. I like T-shirts and jeans both at work or at home. My boss says I'm reliable and always on time. Kate thinks I'm nice, romantic and loyal. My parents are on the opinion I work too hard. To my mind, I'm a hard-working, generous and peaceful man. But I have some characteristic features that I should change. Sometimes I'm stubborn when I think I know the truth. Moreover I can't ask for or accept someone's help easily. I know I'm not perfect. 1.
    According to the text we can infer that:.
A) B. the speaker likes vacations
B) D. the speaker doesn´t have qualities
C) C. the speaker doesn’t like smokers
D) A. the speaker wants to do a description
  • 2. My name is Peter Fox. I don't really have any special nicknames. I like when the others call me Pete. I was born on 13th February 1986 in Debrecen. So I'm 25 now. I'm 185 cm tall. I'm rather thin. That's why I work out weekly. I've got short red hair and blue eyes. My face is oval. My nose is snub. I've got lots of freckles. They come out in summer. I usually wear casual clothes. I like T-shirts and jeans both at work or at home. My boss says I'm reliable and always on time. Kate thinks I'm nice, romantic and loyal. My parents are on the opinion I work too hard. To my mind, I'm a hard-working, generous and peaceful man. But I have some characteristic features that I should change. Sometimes I'm stubborn when I think I know the truth. Moreover I can't ask for or accept someone's help easily. I know I'm not perfect. 2.
    The underline word peaceful refers to:
A) C. an adjective
B) D. an article
C) B. a verb
D) A. a noun
  • 3. Fill in the blanks with the correct connector
    He is romantic ____ disloyal
A) A. fist
B) C. however
C) A. and
D) B. but
  • 4. September _________ October are good months to visit Cape Town.
A) A. and
B) D. so
C) C. because
D) B. but
  • 5. My mom loves my dad. She is thirty-four years old. Her name is Anna. She is really pretty. My mom has got blue and green eyes. She has got black long hair. She sometimes cooks and she can cook really well. She sometimes cleans the house. My mother works seven hours a day as a secretary. She doesn’t work on Sunday. Her hobby is shopping. Her favourite shop is H & M. She loves our two cats and she likes red and yellow flowers. I love my mum because she has always got time for me. Where does his mom work?
A) B. at house
B) A. in an office
C) D. in a hotel
D) C. . in a restaurant
  • 6. Many children in Colombia suffer from asthma. They cannot breath because they are allergic to pollution and other things in the air. It is a serious sickness that can lead kids to death.In the text the underline word It refers to:
A) C. breath
B) D. pollution
C) B. death
D) A. asthma
  • 7. Many children in Colombia suffer from asthma. They cannot breath because they are allergic to pollution and other things in the air. It is a serious sickness that can lead kids to death.The underline word “sickness” can be replaced by:
A) C. health
B) B. love
C) A. bad conditions
D) D. customs
  • 8. Many children in Colombia suffer from asthma. They cannot breath because they are allergic to pollution and other things in the air. It is a serious sickness that can lead kids to death.According to the text:
A) C. asthma is a symptom of an allergy
B) B. asthma is an insignificant illness
C) A. asthma makes breathing difficult
D) D. asthma helps children to live longer
  • 9. Where can you see these advertisements:PUT THE BOOKS ON THE TABLE
A) A. in a library
B) B. in a station
C) C. in a zoo
D) D. in a hospital
  • 10. Where can you see these advertisements: TURN RIGHT AND PARK
A) B. in a theatre
B) D. in a station
C) C. in a church
D) A. in a park
  • 11. Order the words to make sentences:Alexander Graham Bell / invented / the telephone / by / was /
A) D. telephone invented was by Alexander Graham Bell
B) C. Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone was
C) A. telephone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell
D) B. Alexander Graham Bell was invented by the telephone
  • 12. Order the words to make sentences: . are/ France / frog / legs / eaten / in /
A) A. in France legs frog are eaten
B) D. legs frog are eaten in France
C) C. France frog legs are eaten in
D) B. frog legs are eaten in France
  • 13. Select the correct sentences: has/beautiful/a/Susan/blouse
A) A. Susan has a beautiful blouse.
B) D. Susan has not a beautiful blouse.
C) C. Susan havenot a beautiful blouse.
D) B. Susan have a beautiful blouse.
  • 14. Conny gets up at half past seven. Then she has breakfast and goes to school with her brother. School starts at half past nine. She comes home from school at quarter past three. Then Conny sometimes plays tennis with her friends. Later she does her homework or plays the guitar. After that she watches TV or reads a book. She goes to bed at nine o´clock. What does Conny do before she goes to bed?
A) C. she cleans the house
B) D. she speaks by phone
C) A. she watches t.v or reads a book
D) B. she plays the piano
  • 15. Conny gets up at half past seven. Then she has breakfast and goes to school with her brother. School starts at half past nine. She comes home from school at quarter past three. Then Conny sometimes plays tennis with her friends. Later she does her homework or plays the guitar. After that she watches TV or reads a book. She goes to bed at nine o´clock.What time does she come home?
A) B. at a quarter past two
B) quarter past five
C) A. at three quater
D) D. at five fifteeen
  • 16. Organize the sentences writing a paragraph:1.
    hello, how are you? 2.
    where do you live? 3.
    I’m fine thanks 4.
    I live in Colombia
A) C. 2,3,4,1
B) D. 3,4,2,1
C) B. 1,4,3,2
D) A. 1,3,2,4
  • 17. Organize the sentences writing a paragraph:1.
    what are you doing? 2.
    why? 3.
    I’m reading a grammar book 4.
    because I´m studying english
A) A. 1,3,2,4
B) B. 1,4,3,2
C) C. 2,3,4,1
D) D. 4,3,2,1
  • 18. There are verbs, except:
A) C. clean, speak, like
B) B. dance, study, drink
C) A. park, shop, disco
D) B. play, listen, draw
  • 19. Select the correct number: 115
A) B. one hundred
B) D. one hundre forty five
C) C. one hundred fifty five
D) A. one hundred fifteen
  • 20. Dr. Thompson´s routine : 5:30 a.m gets up 5:40 a.m takes a shower 5:50 a.m gets dressed 6:00 a.m has orange juice 6:15 a.m go to the hospital 7:00 a.m sees patients 12: 00 m. has lunch at the cafeteria 2:00 p.m teaches class at the university 6:00 p.m comes home
A) C. at 6:00 a.m
B) A. at 5:40 a.m
C) B. at 7:00 a.m
D) D.A. at 5:30 a.m
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