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G 1. Geometry Definitions Chapter 1b
Prispevano od: Tran
__1. ADJACENT ANGLESA. A ruler without marks used to draw line segments
__2. COMPLEMENTARY ANGLESB. Two angles with the sum of their measures is 90
__3. CONGRUENT SEGMENTSC. Opposite angles
__4. LINED. Distance around the figure
__5. PERIMETERE. Straight line extends in one dimension
__6. PLANEF. Two angles with the sum of their measures is 180
__7. STRAIGHTEDGEG. Segments that have the same length
__8. SUPPLEMENTARY ANGLESH. Flat surface extends in two dimensions
__9. VERTEXI. Tip top of an angle
__10. VERTICAL ANGLESJ. Two angles next to each other sharing a common side
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