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Alejandro's Gift Comprehension
Prispevano od: Goers
(Avtor originala: Moore)
  • 1. The wind caused the blades of the _________ to go round and round.
A) furrows
B) windmill
C) cherished
D) ample
  • 2. The little boy __________ each moment with his grandfather.
A) ample
B) growth
C) furrows
D) cherished
  • 3. Dad dug _________ to plant the tomato seeds.
A) windmill
B) shunned
C) cherished
D) furrows
  • 4. There was __________ room in the garden to plant carrots too.
A) windmill
B) shunned
C) ample
D) admiring
  • 5. Because my mother doesn't like crowds, she ___________ the mall when it was busy.
A) growth
B) ample
C) shunned
D) cherished
  • 6. In science class, we recorded each plant's weekly ____________ in our notebooks.
A) ample
B) growth
C) cherished
D) furrows
  • 7. This is a good example of realistic fiction because ___________.
A) It could really happen
B) it includes things from the future that don't exist yet, like a flying donkey. Won't that be great when they finally figure out how to get donkeys to fly?
C) many things are totally fake
D) the story is just a fable
  • 8. Alejandro can have a garden in the desert because ______.
A) he does not need much water for himself and his burro
B) the windmill brings water up from his well
C) he does not have many visitors
D) there is a water hole next to his house
  • 9. Alejandro works in his garden for hours because ______.
A) the work keeps him from being lonely
B) he wants the vegetables to grow quickly
C) there are a lot of weeds in the garden
D) the garden is very big
  • 10. In this selection, woodpeckers, thrashers, and roadrunners are _____.
A) desert flowers
B) kinds of cactus
C) desert birds
D) desert fruit
  • 11. All the animals that come to the garden _____.
A) have four legs
B) have long tails
C) are small
D) have fur
  • 12. The squirrel comes to Alejandro's garden because it is _____.
A) hungry
B) thirsty
C) lost
D) curious
  • 13. Alejandro digs a water hole to ______.
A) provide water for the other, larger desert animals
B) get better water for his burro
C) water his garden more easily
D) feed his animal visitors
  • 14. When "the skunk darted to safety in the underbrush?, ________.
A) Alejandro realized that the animals did not feel safe near the house
B) Alejandro did not understand why the skunk ran away
C) the skunk go caught
D) the skunk warned other animals of danger
  • 15. Animals ignore the first water hole because it is ____.
A) muddy
B) too shallow
C) salty
D) in the open
  • 16. Which word best tells about Alejandro?
A) selfish
B) determined
C) fearful
D) defeated
  • 17. The second water hole is different from the first one Alejandro dug because it is _____.
A) smaller than the first one
B) shunned by the large animals
C) next to his house
D) sheltered from his house
  • 18. Alejandro knows when animals are at the second water hole because _____.
A) he can see them
B) his burro moves about
C) he can hear them
D) they always come at the same time
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