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TeacherTest NameTest TypeDate Edited
Holland, Coleson -
Attila the Hun invades Gaul and Italy - repelled by Romans (8)Multiple Choice2013.10.12
Averroes (Arab philosopher) (10)Multiple Choice2013.02.28
Avicenna (Persian philosopher and physician) (8)Multiple Choice2013.10.10
Baghdad becomes centre of Arab/Muslim golden age of arts (15)Multiple Choice2013.04.04
Bulgar Empire in Balkans expands under Simeon (9)Multiple Choice2013.01.14
Byzantines complete conquest of Italy and Spain (8)Multiple Choice2013.08.02
Cahokia capital of Mississipian cultures of North America (8)Multiple Choice2013.11.26
Charlemagne crowned Emperor (8)Multiple Choice2013.11.21
Charles Martel halts Muslim advance into France (18)Multiple Choice2013.01.22
Decisive victory of Spaniards over Moors (8)Multiple Choice2013.09.02
Domesday Book compiled by William I (8)Multiple Choice2013.03.17
Dominican Order of monks founded in Languedoc (8)Multiple Choice2013.07.19
Edward the Confessor becomes king of England (8)Multiple Choice2013.09.06
Edward the Elder succeeds Alfred the Great (17)Multiple Choice2013.11.08
Eruption of Mount Etna, Sicily (15,000 killed) (8)Multiple Choice2013.01.23
Geoffrey of Monmouth (historian) (8)Multiple Choice2013.03.25
Hagia Sophia cathedral built in Constantinople (18)Multiple Choice2013.10.12
Harun-ar-Rashid, Caliph of Baghdad (9)Multiple Choice2013.03.14