Process cm3j
  • 1. It means guarded to confidentiality of classified information against unauthorized disclosure
A) Confidentiality
B) Keep record
C) Secret
D) Secrecy of discipline
  • 2. Anti-graft and corruption practice act
A) RA 3019
B) RA 9165
C) RA 856
D) RA 6975
  • 3. When PNP members in their families involved themselves in religious, social and civic activities in the community,it enhances _____ which will work well for the image of the police
A) Social structure
B) Social bond
C) Sociology
D) Social awareness
  • 4. Pnp should not commit any acts of corruption
A) yes
B) no
C) false
D) True
  • 5. Justice should be serve as
A) quality
B) bias
C) Fair
D) c&d
  • 6. Pnp should encourage to actively get involved and religious social and civic activities
A) Social structure
B) Social bond
C) Nota
D) Social awareness
  • 7. It is conducted to ensure the applicant to be hired is desirable.
A) Investigation
B) Hearing
C) Background investigation
D) Background investigation of education
  • 8. It is the process where they choose the deserve and desirable applicant
A) application
B) Selection
D) recruitment
  • 9. An act of immorality
A) Living with the woman not his wife
B) always absent
C) not wearing uniform
D) smoking while patrolling
  • 10. Building---- with members of community is an important aspect of the community policy.
A) houses
B) relation
C) kindness
D) Rapport
  • 11. The following choices, which one is the power of police officer
A) To violate The law
B) To arrest
C) To intimidate youth
D) To marry many girls
  • 12. Police officer should always wear shades while patrolling.the statement is.
A) true
B) False
C) not impossible
D) possible
  • 13. It's refers to the belief,principles and philosophies that are important, cherished,prized, upheld and defended.
A) moral
B) Values
C) virtue
D) ethics
  • 14. Refers to the quality of moral excellence as
A) ethics
B) moral
C) Virtue
D) morality
  • 15. The following are belongs to the core work values of PNP, except one
A) Always wear complete uniform
B) order
C) sense of responsibility
D) service
  • 16. It means to work for another
A) leading
B) assistance
C) assist
D) Service
  • 17. It is awarded to any police officer who shows heroism
A) Valor
B) achievements
C) medal
D) certification
  • 18. Pnp are allowed to violet any law this is statement is
A) True
B) Truely
C) False
D) Impossible
  • 19. Below are under the tri bureau in the philippines except.
  • 20. It is the lowest rank in the pnp
B) Police patrolman/woman
C) Corporal
D) General director
  • 21. It is the lowest drunk in the commission officer of PNP
A) Director
B) Police lieutenant
C) Patrolman
D) Police corporal
  • 22. Knowing and practicing the pnp ethical standard as a police officer is an example of.
A) normative
B) deontology
C) Applied ethics theory
D) virtue
  • 23. It is a normative ethical system that is primarily concerned with the consequences of ethical decision
A) deontology
B) applied ethics
C) Normative ethical theory
D) meta-ettics
  • 24. Philippine national policies under of what department
A) Office of the president
  • 25. It is primarily concerned with caring for others this has involved from the need to care for those who cannot care for themselves such as infants.
A) ethics of love
B) Ethics of care
C) applied ethics
D) normative ethics
  • 26. A voice of reason by being oneself avoid evil and the good
A) moral
B) ethics
C) Conscience
D) discretion
  • 27. It is an ethical system primarily concerned with one duty
A) normative
B) deontology
C) Deontology
D) virtue
  • 28. Which of the statement be best suit on the phrase " ignorance of the law excuses no one"
A) An educated person who does not know to read violated an offense
B) A man who kills another person just to save himself from danger
C) An idiot person shouting that there is bump at the plaza
D) A taxi driver who falls to carry with him he's driver license
  • 29. A police officer on witness stand is not called the fan to express his be about the skin or to make a speech of the following the most accurate si statement of this situation is that
A) To tell the truth and suggestion
B) Any of these
C) To tell the investigation process
D) To tell the truth and nothing but the truth
  • 30. An example of police immorality is?
A) Living with a woman not his wife
B) Not in uniform while driving the police vehicle
C) Always late
D) Smoking inside the station
  • 31. A mental or moral training that makes up man willing to be subject to controls and regulations for the good of the entire group of which he is a member.
A) Kindness
B) Loyalty
C) Discipline
D) Righteous
  • 32. The best police officer can do to the community is?
A) Arrest
B) Perform his job well
C) Care
D) Rescue
  • 33. The word deontology comes from the greek word deon meaning obligation or duty the statement is
A) True
B) False
C) Truely
D) Nota
  • 34. Outdoor a t of a person he exercised over his subordinates
A) Assistance
B) Any of these
C) Leading
D) Command responsibility
  • 35. All police officers should conduct themselves in an upright manner at all times because
A) One for all all for one
B) Nota
C) Individual action doesn't matter
D) Individual actions are reflective of the police officer
  • 36. The word deontology comes from the greek word deon meaning obligation or duty the statement is.
A) No
B) False
C) True
D) Yes
  • 37. When pnp members and their families involved themselves in religious social and civic activities in the community in it enhance which will work well for the image of police
A) Social awareness
B) Sociology
C) Public relation
D) Social information
  • 38. Public officials and employees shall always uphold the public interest over the above personal interest the statement is
A) No
B) True
C) False
D) Yes
  • 39. All but one is the manner of fighting depression
A) Watching movies
B) Voluntary work
C) Playing basketball
D) Eating out
  • 40. Refers to the concealment or distortion of truth in a matter of fact relevant to one's office or connected with the performance of his duties
A) loyalty
B) kindness
C) Dishonesty
D) trustworthy
  • 41. This refers to any physical force exerted on a person by another free agent for the purpose of compelling said person to act against his will.
A) Violence
B) crime
C) violation
D) mistake
  • 42. It refers to the commitment dignity and attitude of an individual towards work and his integrity and his practice of the core moral values of principle.
A) Duty
B) Professionalism
C) Work ethics
D) Responsible
  • 43. The pnp should live in the accordance with the pnp core values and possess the virtues of honor integrity below justice humility charity and loyalty to the service best describe to
A) PNP local
B) PNP image
C) PNP work
D) PNP field
  • 44. In the law enforcement code of ethics the first line statement that as a law enforcement fundamental duty is to ____mankind
A) Serve
B) Give assurance
C) Arrest
D) Care
  • 45. The wise use of one's judgment personal experience and common sense to decide a particular situation.
A) Discretion
B) decision
C) conscience
D) any of these
  • 46. This refers to unfair or unjust as usually given to friends or relatives
A) corruption
B) equality
C) Favoritism
D) unfair
  • 47. As a general rule, police officer are not permitted or allowed to engage in any other businesses or calling
A) meat eater
B) salute
C) Moonlighting
D) grass eater
  • 48. An established and generally accepted moral values refers to?
A) core
B) standard
C) Ethical standards
D) ethics
  • 49. A voice of reason by being oneself avoid evil and do good
A) discretion
B) nota
C) decision
D) Conscience
  • 50. What is the most supreme corbel use of the philippine national police
A) Love of god
B) Love of the duty
C) Love of the country
D) All of these
  • 51. Among the following choices which one should be the least priority in the enforcement of the law
A) saves life
B) Cordoning the crime scene
C) preserve evidence
D) arrest the suspect
  • 52. An act of the person that copies the work or idea of another person and present it is his own.
A) acknowledgement
B) copyright
C) Plagiarism
D) any of these
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