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Juan Ponce de Leon claims Florida for Spain
Contributed by: Collier
  • 1. When did Juan Ponce de León claim Florida for Spain?
A) 1607
B) 1776
C) 1513
D) 1492
  • 2. What was Juan Ponce de León searching for when he discovered Florida?
A) A New Colony
B) The Fountain of Youth
C) Gold
D) Routes to Asia
  • 3. Which European country did Juan Ponce de León claim Florida for?
A) France
B) Spain
C) Portugal
D) England
  • 4. Which indigenous group inhabited Florida when Juan Ponce de León arrived?
A) Aztec
B) Cherokee
C) Calusa
D) Inca
  • 5. What was the name of the first Spanish settlement in Florida founded by Juan Ponce de León?
A) Jamestown
B) Plymouth
C) Santa Fe
D) St. Augustine
  • 6. What is the capital of Florida today?
A) Miami
B) Jacksonville
C) Orlando
D) Tallahassee
  • 7. What was the title given to Juan Ponce de León as a result of his discoveries?
A) Viceroy
B) Conquistador
C) Adelantado
D) Captain
  • 8. Which famous explorer did Juan Ponce de León serve under in the Caribbean?
A) Christopher Columbus
B) Ferdinand Magellan
C) Hernán Cortés
D) Francisco Pizarro
  • 9. Who was the first European explorer to reach Florida?
A) Vasco Núñez de Balboa
B) Jacques Cartier
C) Juan Ponce de León
D) Hernando de Soto
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