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TeacherTest NameTest TypeDate Edited
Collier, Elsa -
Alighieri Dante (poet) (19)Multiple Choice2008.06.08
Ashikaga period in Japan - feudal lords and Samurai warriors (8)Multiple Choice2008.11.22
Batu establishes Mongol Empire of the Golden Horde (15)Multiple Choice2008.02.23
Beginning of Hundred Years' War between England and France (12)Multiple Choice2008.12.28
Casimir the Great becomes King of Poland (11)Multiple Choice2008.02.21
Centralized Incan empire stretches from Ecuador to Argentina (11)Multiple Choice2008.11.15
Charles the Bold defeated at Nancy - end of Rise of Burgundy (10)Multiple Choice2008.02.08
Columbus briefly lands on South American mainland (10)Multiple Choice2008.04.09
Constantinople taken by Turks - end of Byzantine Empire (19)Multiple Choice2008.03.15
Cosimo di Medici begins Medici rule in Florence (8)Multiple Choice2008.10.05
Duns Scotus (Scottish scholar and philosopher) (8)Multiple Choice2008.09.19
Fanatical Shi'ite Islam develops under Safavids of Persia (8)Multiple Choice2008.03.21
Fra Angelico (artist) (13)Multiple Choice2008.05.11
Franciscan Order of monks founded (12)Multiple Choice2008.02.03
Francisco Petrarch (poet and scholar) (8)Multiple Choice2008.09.16
Genoese Christoher Columbus discovers West Indies for Spain (8)Multiple Choice2008.08.09
Ghanaian Empire replaced by Mali, centred around Timbuktu (17)Multiple Choice2008.05.08
Giotto di Bondone (artist) (16)Multiple Choice2008.09.11