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Ronald Reagan becomes US President
Contributed by: Blake
  • 1. When did Ronald Reagan become the US President?
A) 2000
B) 1976
C) 1981
D) 1990
  • 2. Prior to becoming President, Reagan served as the Governor of which U.S. state?
A) Florida
B) Texas
C) New York
D) California
  • 3. Ronald Reagan won the presidential election in the year ____.
A) 1992
B) 1976
C) 1980
D) 1984
  • 4. Reagan was often referred to as the 'Great __'.
A) Communicator
B) Negotiator
C) Strategist
D) Orator
  • 5. Which country was Reagan born in?
A) Canada
B) Germany
C) United States
D) United Kingdom
  • 6. What was Ronald Reagan's profession before entering politics?
A) Actor
B) Engineer
C) Lawyer
D) Doctor
  • 7. Which famous Soviet leader did Reagan build a rapport with during his presidency?
A) Vladimir Putin
B) Joseph Stalin
C) Mikhail Gorbachev
D) Leonid Brezhnev
  • 8. Reagan announced his candidacy for President in which city?
A) New York
B) Houston
C) Chicago
D) Los Angeles
  • 9. What was the name of the first space shuttle launched during Reagan's presidency?
A) Discovery
B) Endeavour
C) Challenger
D) Columbia
  • 10. In 1987, Reagan famously declared 'Mr. Gorbachev, open this ____!' in a speech about democracy.
A) Gate
B) Door
C) Window
D) Path
  • 11. Which scandal involved the selling of arms to Iran to fund Nicaraguan Contras during Reagan's administration?
A) Watergate Scandal
B) Pentagon Papers
C) Iran-Contra Affair
D) Teapot Dome Scandal
  • 12. In 1983, Reagan announced the ____ Initiative to develop an anti-ballistic missile system.
A) Social Welfare
B) Strategic Defense
C) Environmental Protection
D) Space Exploration
  • 13. Reagan signed the Tax Reform Act of 1986 to simplify the income tax code and ____.
A) Increase Tax Rates
B) Introduce Flat Tax
C) Abolish Taxation
D) Lower Tax Rates
  • 14. Reagan appointed the first woman, ____ O'Connor, to the U.S. Supreme Court in 1981.
A) Elena Kagan
B) Ruth Bader
C) Sonia Sotomayor
D) Sandra Day
  • 15. Which term is often used to describe the economic policies and approach taken by Reagan?
A) Clintonomics
B) Reaganomics
C) Bushonomics
D) Trumponomics
  • 16. Which political party did Ronald Reagan belong to?
A) Independent
B) Democrat
C) Green Party
D) Republican
  • 17. In which state was Ronald Reagan born?
A) Texas
B) California
C) New York
D) Illinois
  • 18. Who was Ronald Reagan's Vice President during most of his presidency?
A) Dan Quayle
B) Gerald Ford
C) George H.W. Bush
D) Dick Cheney
  • 19. Which famous landmark did Ronald Reagan famously challenge Soviet leader Gorbachev to tear down?
A) Taj Mahal
B) Berlin Wall
C) Eiffel Tower
D) Great Wall of China
  • 20. What was Ronald Reagan's famous quote about government?
A) Government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem
B) Give me liberty or give me death
C) Ask not what your country can do for you
D) I have a dream
  • 21. What is the title of Reagan's autobiography published in 1990?
A) My Life
B) An American Life
C) Dreams from My Father
D) The Audacity of Hope
  • 22. What was the nickname given to Reagan's Strategic Defense Initiative program aimed at protecting the U.S. from nuclear missile attacks?
A) Operation Desert Storm
B) Shield of Freedom
C) Iron Curtain
D) Star Wars
  • 23. Ronald Reagan survived an assassination attempt in 1981 by which individual?
A) Lee Harvey Oswald
B) John Hinckley Jr.
C) Sirhan Sirhan
D) Mark David Chapman
  • 24. What is the name of the legislation signed by Reagan that granted amnesty to nearly 3 million undocumented immigrants?
B) Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986
C) Secure Fence Act
D) Patriot Act
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