ThatQuiz Public Test Library
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TeacherTest NameTest TypeDate Edited
Blake, Deacon -
Activist Steve Biko dies in custody in South Africa (14)Multiple Choice2008.11.21
Akihito succedes his father Hirohito as Emperor of Japan (21)Multiple Choice2008.10.09
Aldo Moro assassinated by leftist Red Brigade terrorists (12)Multiple Choice2008.10.07
Alexander Solzhenitsyn deported to the West (21)Multiple Choice2008.09.02
Bloody Sunday massacre in Ireland (9)Multiple Choice2008.09.05
Brazil returns to democratic civilian rule (15)Multiple Choice2008.02.26
Britain joins European Economic Community (16)Multiple Choice2008.02.26
Camp David Agreement brokers peace between Israel and Egypt (12)Multiple Choice2008.06.28
Carl XVI Gustaf becomes King of Sweden (16)Multiple Choice2008.04.03
Ceylon becomes independent Republic of Sri Lanka (24)Multiple Choice2008.04.09
Civil war breaks out in Angola (17)Multiple Choice2008.11.07
East and West Germany unite as Federal Republic of Germany (9)Multiple Choice2008.05.15
End of Iran-Iraq War (8)Multiple Choice2008.05.15
Eruption of Mount St Helens (60 killed) (8)Multiple Choice2008.05.02
ETA (Basque seperatist group) active in Spain (9)Multiple Choice2008.10.20
European Free Trade Agreement (EFTA) (8)Multiple Choice2008.05.26
Francis Ford Coppola's movie The Godfather released (23)Multiple Choice2008.11.15
Free elections re-established in Spain (8)Multiple Choice2008.08.06