ThatQuiz Public Test Library
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TeacherTest NameTest TypeDate Edited
Blake, Deacon -
President Park Chung Hee of South Korea assassinated (27)Multiple Choice2008.01.10
Prince Charles marries Lady Diana Spenser (9)Multiple Choice2008.02.11
Punk (rebel music cult) develops - Sex Pistols, Clash, etc (20)Multiple Choice2008.06.14
Relations between East and West Germany deteriorate (11)Multiple Choice2008.05.10
Revolution in Ethiopia overthrows Haile Selassie (8)Multiple Choice2008.03.19
Ronald Reagan becomes US President (24)Multiple Choice2008.08.28
Salvador DalĂ­ (Spanish artist) (13)Multiple Choice2008.07.17
Sir John Betjeman (poet) (9)Multiple Choice2008.12.02
Somoza regime in Nicaragua ousted by leftist Sandinistas (13)Multiple Choice2008.04.12
Soviet invasion of Afghanistan (15)Multiple Choice2008.12.13
Tito dies - Yugoslavia's six states begin to argue (17)Multiple Choice2008.02.28
US involvement in Vietnam War peaks (16)Multiple Choice2008.10.03
US pulls out of Vietnam War (19)Multiple Choice2008.07.23
Zulfikar Ali Bhutto executed after coup in Pakistan (9)Multiple Choice2008.07.08