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US involvement in Vietnam War peaks
Contributed by: Blake
  • 1. When did the US involvement in the Vietnam War peak?
A) 1968
B) 1980
C) 1975
D) 1954
  • 2. Which US President was in office during the peak of US involvement in the Vietnam War?
A) Gerald Ford
B) Richard Nixon
C) John F. Kennedy
D) Lyndon B. Johnson
  • 3. What was the main reason for the peak in US involvement in the Vietnam War in 1968?
A) Gulf of Tonkin Incident
B) Tet Offensive
C) Paris Peace Accords
D) Fall of Saigon
  • 4. Which military operation marked a significant escalation of US involvement in Vietnam in 1965?
A) Operation Rolling Thunder
B) Operation Cedar Falls
C) Operation Hump
D) Operation Ranch Hand
  • 5. What event contributed to the escalation of the Vietnam War and the peak of US involvement in 1965?
A) Tet Offensive
B) My Lai Massacre
C) Gulf of Tonkin Incident
D) Paris Peace Accords
  • 6. What diplomatic efforts were made to negotiate peace during the peak of US involvement in the Vietnam War?
A) Helsinki Accords
B) Geneva Conference
C) Berlin Summit
D) Paris Peace Talks
  • 7. Which US general was in command of US forces during the peak of US involvement in the Vietnam War?
A) William Westmoreland
B) Creighton Abrams
C) Harold K. Johnson
D) Maxwell Taylor
  • 8. Which advisor to President Johnson played a key role in shaping US policy towards Vietnam during the peak of US involvement?
A) Clark Clifford
B) Dean Rusk
C) McGeorge Bundy
D) Robert McNamara
  • 9. What impact did the peak of US involvement in Vietnam have on the US economy?
A) Decreased taxes and unemployment
B) Boosted consumer confidence
C) Increased government spending and inflation
D) Strengthened the US dollar
  • 10. What was the name of the US Marine Corps operation during the peak of US involvement in Vietnam that aimed to secure the area around the Khe Sanh combat base?
A) Operation Starlite
B) Operation Scotland
C) Operation Prairie
D) Operation Hastings
  • 11. What was the political climate in the US during the peak of US involvement in Vietnam?
A) Growing anti-war protests and dissent
B) Widespread support for the war
C) Political unity and consensus
D) Isolationist policies
  • 12. Which of the following countries provided significant support to North Vietnam during the peak of US involvement?
A) Soviet Union
B) United Kingdom
C) China
D) France
  • 13. Which US military branch played a significant role in ground combat operations during the peak of US involvement in Vietnam?
A) US Air Force
B) US Marine Corps
C) US Navy
D) US Army
  • 14. During the peak of US involvement in Vietnam War, which Secretary of Defense was instrumental in shaping US strategy?
A) Robert McNamara
B) Clark Clifford
C) Melvin Laird
D) Donald Rumsfeld
  • 15. Which North Vietnamese leader was known for leading the communist forces against the US during the peak of US involvement in Vietnam War?
A) Ho Chi Minh
B) Le Duan
C) Vo Nguyen Giap
D) Ngo Dinh Diem
  • 16. During the peak of US involvement in Vietnam War, which US organization was involved in conducting secret operations in Laos and Cambodia?
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