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CFLDMM reviewers
Contributed by: Pacho
  • 1. Managers should be goal-oriented and effectively uses resources to "create an usual".
A) Be visionary
B) Encourage teamwork
C) Be technically proficient
D) Be a good communicator
E) Put your employees needs first
  • 2. It is the best way to avoid miscommunication in keep your team on the same page.
A) Set the goal of working as a team
B) Never go with "one-size-fits-all"
C) Be an example
D) Focus on clarity, accuracy and thoroughness in communication
E) Publicly reward and recognize hard work
  • 3. You must reward the same behavior every time they appear.
A) Be the example
B) Publicly reward and recognize hard work
C) Set the goal of working as a team
D) Focus on clarity accuracy and thoroughness in communication
E) Be consistent
  • 4. Managers are required to encourage the best practices for building teamwork, they are required to sit and work with the personnel.
A) Do something special
B) Treat your stuff as professionals
C) Encourage teamwork
D) Lead by example
E) Encourage professional growth
  • 5. Transparency shows your integrity as leader and builds trust with the individual member of your team.
A) Listen and ask question
B) Help people enjoy work
C) Remain as transparent as possible
D) Public reward and recognize hard work
E) Set the goal of working as a team
  • 6. Managers are required to dress and act professionally at all times and to be available to give a guidance and help when needed.
A) Be people person
B) Treat your staff as professionals
C) Lead by example
D) Encourage professional growth
E) Do something special
  • 7. By listening to your employees you can not only build up the trust, but you can also identify legitimate problems.
A) Learn how to hold people accountable
B) Learn how to listen
C) Motivate, don't dominate
D) Be human
E) Look at failure and mistakes as learning opportunities
  • 8. Always be professional,but don't be afraid to let your real self show.
A) Look at failure and mistakes as learning opportunities
B) Learn how to listen
C) Shows your employees that they matter
D) Be human
E) Motivate, don't dominate
  • 9. Managers are also requires to do something special for your employees that needs guidance.
A) Do something special
B) Be visionary
C) Be a good communicator
D) Be technically proficient
E) Be people person
  • 10. Focus on ways to motivate the team to do it's incentivizing, recognizing job well done and making each person feel like she has the power to accomplish.
A) Learn how to listen
B) Look at failure and mistakes as a learning opportunities
C) Learn how to hold people accountable
D) Be human
E) Motivate ,don't dominate
  • 11. Managers should be able to communicate effectively using all methods, including visual presentation, public speaking,email ,teleconferencing and face to face
A) Encourage teamwork
B) Be technically proficient
C) Put your employees needs first
D) Be a good communicator
E) Lead by example
  • 12. Managers are expected to grow their skills and those their team members.
A) Be people person
B) Encourage professional growth
C) Be visionary
D) Be a good communicator
E) Do something special
  • 13. One of the requirements of the perfect manager wherein, you should know how people work and know how to motivate your team.
A) Be visionary
B) Be people person
C) Be a good communicator
D) Be technically proficient
E) Put your employees needs first
  • 14. Managers should be able to give technical guidance and decide the best strategies and methods for success.
A) Lead by example
B) Treat your staff as professionals
C) Be technically proficient
D) Put your employees needs first
E) Encourage teamwork
  • 15. Your team is compromised of individuals with unique preferences,strengths,weaknesses and ideas
A) Remain as transparent as possible
B) Never go with "one-size-fits-all
C) Publicly reward and recognize hard work
D) Be the example
E) Set the goal of working as a team
  • 16. When a member of your team does something exceptional,reward him/her do this in front of the group show the rest of the team that hard work is rewarded
A) Be the example
B) Set the goal of working as a team
C) Never go with one-size-fits-all
D) Help people enjoy work
E) Publicly reward and recognize hard work
  • 17. Managers treat employees as a professional who doesn't need immediate supervision.
A) Be visionary
B) Treat your staff as professionals
C) Be people person
D) Encourage professional growth
E) Do something special
  • 18. Every employee brings unnecessary talent skills or contribution to the table never forget.
A) Shows your employees that they matter
B) Learn how to hold people accountable
C) Be human
D) Learn how to listen
E) Motivate don't dominate
  • 19. Manager succeed best by satisfying the needs of their team. Will be required to provide the tools your team needs.
A) Put your employees needs first
B) Treat your staff as professionals
C) Lead by example
D) Encourage teamwork
E) Encourage professional growth
  • 20. Second chance can encourage greater work the next time around.
A) Learn how to hold people accountable
B) Look at failure and mistakes as learning opportunities
C) Motivate don't dominate
D) Learn how to listen
E) Your employees that they matter
  • 21. To monitor the progress of personnel
A) 4th Step
B) 5th step
C) 3rd step
D) 2nd step
E) 1st step
  • 22. To determine of revised the organization objectives for the entire organization
A) 5th step
B) 3rd step
C) 1st step
D) 4th step
E) 2nd step
  • 23. To evaluate and reward personnel progress
A) 2nd step
B) 3rd step
C) 1st step
D) 4th step
E) 5th step
  • 24. To stimulate the participation of personal setting individual objectives
A) 2nd step
B) 4th Step
C) 3rd step
D) 1st step
E) 5th step
  • 25. To translate the organizational objectives to personnel
A) 1st step
B) 3rd step
C) 5th step
D) 2nd step
E) 4th step
  • 26. It is the stablish meant of a management information system to compare actual performance and achievements to the defined objectives
A) Management by coordinating
B) Management by information
C) Management by organizing
D) Management by goal
E) Management by planning
  • 27. Managers have strong internal for teacher that enables them to help staffers and resolves issues
A) Problem-solving ability
B) Good communication skills
C) Time management skills
D) Knowledge of industry
E) Ability to direct people
  • 28. Knowledge may be gained from formal or vocational education or from work experience.
A) Problems are being ability
B) Problem solving ability
C) Time management skills
D) Ability to direct people
E) Knowledge of industry
  • 29. A manager should also be able to effectively articulate needs convey information and provide status updates to higher ups in a company.
A) Ability to direct people
B) Knowledge industry
C) Good communication skills
D) Problem-solving ability
E) They management skills
  • 30. This relates to prioritization, delegation juggling multiple competing priorities
A) Knowledge of industry
B) Problem-solving ability
C) Time management skills
D) Good communication skills
E) Ability to direct people
  • 31. It is a strategic management that aims to improve the performance of an organization by clearly defining on waves that are agreed to by both management and personnel.
A) Management
B) Management by goals
C) Management by organizing
D) Management by information
E) Management by objectives
  • 32. What is the most critical process in any organization.
A) Corporate decision
B) Corporate decision-making process
C) Decision-making process
  • 33. When it comes to business organization, decision-making is a --- and ---- as well
A) Habit, process
B) Habit ,habit
C) Process, making
D) Habit ,making
  • 34. In the process of solving the problem you will have to gather as much as information related to the factors and stakeholders involved in the problem.
A) Evaluate the results
B) Information gathering
C) Evaluation of alternatives
D) Principle of for judging the alternatives
  • 35. Anna is using her judgment principle and decision-making criteria to compare each alternatives positive and negative what is type of decision-making process does ana do
A) Information gathering
B) Identification of the purpose of the decision
C) Principle for judging the alternatives
D) Evaluation of alternative
  • 36. In this tips the result of a decision is being evaluated to improve the future decision making
A) Principle for judging the alternatives
B) Information gathering
C) Evaluation the results
D) Evaluation of alternatives
  • 37. When a person who meets the statutory requirements to determined as a parent what statutory is granted to the said?
A) Sole legal decision making
B) Decision making
C) Legal decision-making authority
D) Joint legal decision making
  • 38. This is step in decision-making process involves a thorough analyzation of the problem
A) Information gathering
B) Principle for judging the alternative
C) Evaluation of alternative
D) Identification of the purpose of the decision
  • 39. It is concerned with the shorter times frames and narrower scoops than are strategic plan.
A) Contingency plans
B) Strategic plans
C) Tactical plans
D) Operational plan
  • 40. ---and successful management depends upon a constant for suite of adaptation flexibility and mastery of changing conditions.
A) Effective
B) Successful
C) Intelligent
D) Best
  • 41. It is one that a manager uses to accomplish his or her job responsibilities.
A) Tactical plans
B) Operational plans
C) Strategic plans
D) Contingency plans
  • 42. The decision-making process involves the following steps except.
A) Define the problem
B) Ask question
C) Develop a tential alternatives
D) Identifying a limiting factors
  • 43. It is an outline of steps designed with the goals of the entire organization as a whole in mind rather than with the goals of specific division or departments.
A) Strategic plans
B) Contingency plans
C) Tactical plans
D) Operational plans
  • 44. It is concerned with what the lower-level units within each division must do how they must do it and who is incharge at each level.
A) Contingency plans
B) Operational plans
C) Strategic plans
D) Tactical plans
  • 45. It can be a single use plan or an ongoing plan.
A) Strategic plan
B) Tactical plan
C) Contingency plan
D) Operational plan
  • 46. His roles is to plan organize stuff lead and control his team by executing decision.
A) Staff
B) Supervisor
C) Manager
D) Organizer
  • 47. With this technique participants never meet but a group leader uses written questionnaires to conduct the decision-making.
A) Delphi technique
B) Brainstorming
C) Gathering idea
D) Nominal group technique
  • 48. This methods involves the use of highly structured meeting complete with an agenda and restrict discussion for interpersonal communication during the decision-making process.
A) Nominal group technique
B) Gathering idea
C) Brainstorming
D) Delfhi techniques
  • 49. Valuation alternatives can be done in numerous ways here are the few possibilities except one.
A) Perform a cost-benefit analysis for each alternative
B) Determine the pros and cons of alternatives
C) Do not determine the pros and cons of each alternatives
D) Weight age factor important in the decision.
  • 50. Regardless of the method used a manager needs to evaluate each alternative in terms of the following except one.
A) Feasibility
B) Consequences
C) Probability
D) Effectiveness
  • 51. One of the best known method for developing alternatives is true brainstorming where a group works together to ___and alternative solution
A) Generate information
B) Generate ideas
C) Generate data
D) Generate knowledge
  • 52. It involves identifying alternative courses of action that can be implemented if and when the original plan and rooms and adequate because of changing circumstances.
A) Contingency plan
B) Strategic plan
C) Operational plan
D) Tactical plans
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