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  • 1. She was (tickled pink) by the good news.
A) made very happy
B) very sick
C) Sad or depressed
D) there was no competition
E) not well
  • 2. You were (hands down) the best player on the team.
A) there was no competition
B) very sick
C) not well
D) made very happy
E) Sad or depressed
  • 3. I've been feeling pretty (down in the dumps) lately.
A) not well
B) there was no competition
C) Sad or depressed
D) very sick
E) made very happy
  • 4. I'm feeling (sick as a dog)!
A) Sad or depressed
B) very sick
C) there was no competition
D) not well
E) made very happy
  • 5. I've been feeling (under the weather)
A) Sad or depressed
B) there was no competition
C) very sick
D) made very happy
E) not well
  • 6. This assignment is (a piece of cake)
A) very easy
B) I don't understand
C) a mild punishment
D) just joking
E) it is extremely expensive
  • 7. Although he broke the rules, he was only given a (slap on the wrist)
A) a mild punishment
B) I don't understand
C) just joking
D) it is extremely expensive
E) very easy
  • 8. Yikes! This shirt cost (an arm and a leg)
A) just joking
B) it is extremely expensive
C) I don't understand
D) a mild punishment
E) very easy
  • 9. No, I was just (pulling your leg.
A) very easy
B) just joking
C) I don't understand
D) a mild punishment
E) it is extremely expensive
  • 10. It's (greek to me)
A) very easy
B) a mild punishment
C) I don't understand
D) just joking
E) it is extremely expensive
  • 11. (Keep your chin up)
A) you were very close, but you did not make it
B) for a very long time
C) very hard rain
D) wake up and be happy!
E) be happy
  • 12. (Rise and shine)
A) very hard rain
B) be happy
C) wake up and be happy!
D) for a very long time
E) you were very close, but you did not make it
  • 13. (close, but no cigar)
A) very hard rain
B) be happy
C) wake up and be happy!
D) for a very long time
E) you were very close, but you did not make it
  • 14. I could play outside (till the cows come home)
A) you were very close, but you did not make it
B) wake up and be happy!
C) for a very long time
D) be happy
E) very hard rain
  • 15. Wow! It's (raining cats and dogs) out there!
A) you were very close, but you did not make it
B) very hard rain
C) wake up and be happy!
D) for a very long time
E) be happy
  • 16. That sound is (driving me up the wall)
A) never
B) be patient
C) Unpredictable
D) making me very annoyed
E) all of Us are in the same position
  • 17. (Hold your horses)
A) Unpredictable
B) be patient
C) making me very annoyed
D) all of Us are in the same position
E) never
  • 18. We're all (in the same boat)
A) be patient
B) never
C) all of Us are in the same position
D) Unpredictable
E) making me very annoyed
  • 19. He's a bit of a (loose cannon)
A) all of Us are in the same position
B) Unpredictable
C) be patient
D) making me very annoyed
E) never
  • 20. I will clean my room (when pigs fly)
A) never
B) making me very annoyed
C) Unpredictable
D) all of Us are in the same position
E) be patient
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