Density and Review
If you are working with an irregular objectsuch as a rock or a mineral, howdo you determine its volume?
use a triple beam balance
Water displacement
use an electronic balance
Remember,Radiant is light and acoustic is soundenergy.
A. nuclear and electrical
B. magnetic and mechanical
C. radiant and electrical
D. acoustic and mechanical
A. conduction
B. convection
c. absorption
d. radiation
A student on a field trip was required to calculate thedensity of a mineral containing rock.The rock had a volumeof 90 mL and a mass of 450 grams.  What is the density of the rock?
360 g/mL
5 g/mL
0.2 g/mL
540 g/mL
Why do some substances
float in water?
They are warmer than water
they are cooler than water
They are less dense than water
They are more dense than water
A student measures themass of a mineral sampleusing a balance.  It is 125 grams.  Shethen places the item in the graduated cylinder containing water as shown below.  What is the density of the mineral?

4 g/cm3
3 g/cm3
5 g/cm3
6 g/cm3
A substance has a volume of 20 cm and a mass of 54 grams.What is the density of the substance?
74 g/cm3
1080 g/cm3
0.37 g/cm3
2.7 g/cm3
A substance has a mass of 12.4 grams and a volume of 4 mL.What is it's density?
8.4 g/mL
3.1 g/mL
0.32 g/mL
49.6 g/mL
The following measurements were made of an object.What information should you consider when discussing the object's density?1.  When the object is placed on a balance it reads 3.7g2.  The thermometer says the object is 27 degrees3.  One side of the object is 2.0 cm long4.  The water in the graduated cylinder rises from 35 to to 47 when the object is placed inside5.  the object has a hardness of 3.5 on the Mohs Scale
1 and 2
2 and 3
3 and 5
1 and 4
Which category of elements may or may not be shiny, are semi-conductors, and may be brittle or malleable?
can't tell
A student is working to create a circuit that lights
 up a lamp. She runs copper wire from a battery 
to a lightbulb.
 Why is copper the best choice of 
material for this circuit?

it is brittle and ductile
it is ductile and a good conductor
it is shiny and solid
it is malleable and insulates
Samantha fills a graduated cylinder to the 30 mL mark.  
She places the mineral into
the cylinder and it rises to 43 mL.
What is the volume of the mineral
73 mL
13 mL
30 mL
43 mL
Which of the following are properties
of metalloids?
gas at room temperature, poor conductor
shiny, good conductor, malleable
good conductor, brittle,
On the Periodic Table nonmetals are found......
along the zigzag line
to the right of the zigzag line
to the left of the zig zag line
they are not on the periodic table
A student fills a graduated cylinder with 15mL of water.  
The lab partner finds the mass of the marble to
be 2.21grams, then drops the marble into the
graduated cylinder.  If the meniscus on
the cylinder is now at 16.3 mL, what is the 
density of the marble
1.7 g/mL
17 g/mL
0.58 g/mL
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