Unit 7 exam
A student finds that an unidentified mineral sample can scratch gypsum but is unable to scratchquartz. The student has made an observation about which property of the sample?
that the mineral is below 5.5 on Moh's scale
the mineral is harder than the glass
the mineral is a 3
the mineral is softer than the glass
When trying to test for the hardness
of a mineral, if it does scratch glass
then you know.....
A student uses a white ceramic plateand rubs the mineral against it.The student notices the gold mineralleaves a black line.Which property of the mineral is thestudent testing?
If you are working with an irregular objectsuch as a rock or a mineral, howdo you determine its volume?
use a triple beam balance
Water displacement
use an electronic balance
cut each mineral
drop each item and see how it bounces
rub each together to see if it scratches the other
A student has samples of quartz and orthoclase. How can the student use this table to determinewhich mineral is quartz and which is orthoclase?
see which mineral shines
under a light
Mineral luster refers to .....
its hardness on the Moh's scale
the way light reflects off the mineral
how much it's mass is
its color
A student observes a substance that is highly 
reflective (shiny) and able to conduct electricity. 
The substance also has a high melting point. Which is the most likely classification for this substance?
A. conduction
B. convection
c. absorption
d. radiation
A student on a field trip was required to calculate thedensity of a mineral containing rock.The rock had a volumeof 100 mL and a mass of 500 grams.  What is the density of the rock?
360 g/mL
5 g/mL
0.2 g/mL
20 g/mL
Just Feldspar
all of them
Mica and Feldspar
Quartz and Feldspar and Mica
Based on the mineral
table at the left,
which minerals
would scratch talc?
Why do some substances
float in water?
They are warmer than water
they are cooler than water
They are less dense than water
They are more dense than water
Which of the following tools are necessary to determine the density  of a cube of metal?
hammer and streak plate
balance and ruler
balance and a calculator
streak plate and glass plate
Because minerals are always brown
the same mineral may come in different colors
sometimes its hard to tell the color
not everyone has the tool for determining color
When determining the ID of a mineral, why 
is color unreliable?
A substance has a volume of 20 cm and a mass of 64 grams.What is the density of the substance?
84 g/cm3
1280 g/cm3
0.31 g/cm3
3.2 g/cm3
A substance has a mass of 24.4 grams and a volume of 4 mL.What is it's density?
20.4 g/mL
6.1 g/mL
0.16 g/mL
97.6 g/mL
The student usedwater displacementto determine the volume of the mineral.Which of the followingis the best answer for the volume of the mineral?
22 mL
17  mL
20 mL
3 mL
Which category of elements may or may not be shiny, are semi-conductors, and may be brittle or malleable?
can't tell
A student is working to create a circuit that lights
 up a lamp. She runs copper wire from a battery 
to a lightbulb.
 Why is copper the best choice of 
material for this circuit?

it is brittle and ductile
it is ductile and a good conductor
it is shiny and solid
it is malleable and insulates
Renee fills a graduated cylinder to the 20 mL mark.  She places the mineral intothe cylinder and it rises to 53 mL.What is the volume of the mineral
73 mL
33 mL
23 mL
13 mL
Which of the following are properties
of metalloids?
gas at room temperature, poor conductor
shiny, good conductor, malleable
good conductor, brittle,
On the Periodic Table nonmetals are found......
to the left of the zig zag line
they are not on the periodic table
to the right of the zigzag line
along the zigzag line
Students have a rock sample that may containthe mineral hematite. They know that hematitehas a red or rusty streak. How can the students determine the color of the streak in the rock sample?
rub it against a ceramic plate
see if it scratches glass
look how light reflects off the mineral
use a hammer to break it

Which of the following terms is NOT used to describe
 a mineral's luster
A student fills a graduated cylinder with 15mL of water.  The lab partner finds the mass of the marble tobe 5.2 grams, then drops the marble into thegraduated cylinder.  If the meniscus onthe cylinder is now at 16.3 mL, what is the density of the marble
4 g/mL
1.7 g/mL
0.34 g/mL
0.31 g/mL
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