Heat Energy Test Question Bank
  • 1. When would I have the highest potential energy?
A) Standing beside the desk
B) Falling from the top of the desk
C) Standing on a desk
D) On the floor
  • 2. What is it called when the molecules in an object stop moving?
A) Kelvin
B) Absolute Zero
C) Celsius
D) Absolute Stop
  • 3. When would I have the highest kinetic energy?
A) Falling from the desk
B) Standing beside the desk
C) Standing on top of the desk
  • 4. Which has more potential energy:
A) A 150 lb man standing on a 60 ft. ladder
B) A 200 lb man standing on a 40 ft. ladder
C) A 300 pound man standing on a 25 ft. ladder
  • 5. Which has more energy?
A) A cup of sand at room temperature
B) A cup of sand that has been in the freezer for 3 days
  • 6. Which has more kinetic energy: a cup with 8 mL of boiling water or a pool with 400 Liters of cold water
A) Pool
B) Cup
  • 7. Cold always moves to hot.
A) False
B) True
  • 8. Temperature in Celsius at which water boils
A) 0
B) 32
C) 100
D) 212
  • 9. Temperature of Absolute Zero in degrees Celsius
A) 0
B) 32
C) -273
D) 212
  • 10. Which of the following is an example of radiation?
A) Feeling a warm sidewalk on a hot day
B) X-Rays
C) Steam from a pot
D) Touching a cold glass
  • 11. It is a pleasant fall day and the temperature outside is 55 degrees Fahrenheit. You decide to take a hot shower after a tough football practice. To keep the bathroom from fogging up, you open the window. In what way is the heat from the shower being tranferred to the outside?
A) Convection
B) Radiation
C) Conduction
  • 12. Billy is in a competition to see who can carry an ice cube the furthest before it melts. He decides to where gloves. Why does he do this?
A) To stop conduction
B) To stop convection
C) To stop radiation
  • 13. Sally goes to her track meet on Saturday. It is very hot and she is out in the sun all day. By the time she gets to her last race, her skin is hot to the touch and she feels a little ill. What is the main form of energy transfer that made Sally's skin so hot?
A) Convection
B) Conduction
C) Radiation
  • 14. It is not possible to create or destroy energy.
A) True
B) False
  • 15. Which of following is a conductor?
A) Plastic Container
B) Styrofoam Cooler
C) Metal Pot
D) Wooden Stick
  • 16. This picture most likely shows molecules in a:
A) gas
B) solid
C) liquid
  • 17. Describe how molecules move differently in a solid, liquid, and a gas? Tell how this changes when energy is added.
  • 18. What is the difference between conduction and convection?
  • 19. Billy does an experiment to see what type of food has the fewest calories. Based on his results, which food most likely has the least amount of calories? There is an error in this experiment. What might be the cause of this error? (Note: Answer this question as Part 1 answer and then Part 2 answer. Use the table for the analysis.
  • 20. Which food ingredient (of the ones we covered in class) typically has the fewest calories?
A) Carbohydrates (grains)
B) Sugars
C) Fat
  • 21. Which of the following is a conductor?
A) Wooden Pencil
B) Rubber
C) Copper
D) Plastic Pencil
  • 22. If you did not cover the lid to your solar oven, heat would escape. This is an example of heat loss through...
A) conduction
B) radiation
C) convection
  • 23. Which of these is the best example of potential energy?
A) A rock rolling down a hill.
B) A person jumping off a hill
C) A feather floating in the air down a hill
D) A rock sitting at the top of a hill
  • 24. A teacher is analyzing the grades on a science test. What would you recommend that he reteach on the test? (see picture)
  • 25. If you had to show someone how to build a solar oven, what would you tell them. You need to answer in a least three sentences.
  • 26. Johnny builds two coolers and sets one in Mr. Lindley's room and one in Mr. Mansour's room. At the end of the experiment, the cooler in Mr. Lindley's room has the most liquid in it. He concludes that the cooler in Mr. Mansour's room is better. What is a possible error in this experiment?
  • 27. Describe why you needed to line the bottom of your cooler box with styrofoam. (Be specific - what purpose did the styrofoam serve)
  • 28. If you had just a box, which material would be best to put in the bottom of it to make a solar oven the hottest?
A) Saran Wrap
B) White paper
C) Black paper
D) Foil
  • 29. What is the purpose of the foil in a solar oven?
A) To stabilize the oven
B) To hold the heat in
C) To reflect light into the box
D) To attract light
  • 30. Describe what is wrong with this picture.
  • 31. What is the purpose of the clear cover on the
A) To hold the heat in
B) To reflect light into the box
C) To attract light
D) To stabilize the oven
  • 32. Describe why packing your materials into the cooler box tightly provides an advantage over loosely packed insulation.
  • 33. When removing a thermometer from his solar oven, Billy burned his fingers and dropped the thermometer. Luckily it didn't break and he saw that the temperature had reached 230 Fahrenheit. What type of energy transfer caused Billy to burn his hands?
A) Conduction
B) Convection
C) Radiation
  • 34. When you open the door to your house on a cold day, you feel a cold draft. What causes this?
A) Radiation leaking from the inside out
B) Cold air from the outside moving toward warm air on the inside
C) Warm air from the inside moving to the outside
D) Radiation leaking from the outside in
  • 35. Look at the results from a calorie lab. Based on a hypothesis of 8 calories, write a conclusion and include possible errors.
  • 36. Why can't something get colder than Absolute Zero?
  • 37. Describe the process of energy transfer for eating a salad. Tell how energy is transferred at each step.
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