A) human B) God C) belief D) mortal
A) prickly pear cactus B) terraces C) Moctezumas D) chinampas
A) dams B) bridges C) causeways D) canals
A) made up of volcanoes B) on an isthmus C) home to Huitzilopochtil D) on islands in Lake Texcoco
A) Great One B) Great Speaker C) Prickly Pear D) Huitzilopotchtli
A) Texcoco B) Montezuma C) Huitzilopochtli D) Tenochtitlan
A) stone B) leaves C) papyrus D) tree bark
A) Columbus B) Cortes C) Montezuma D) Pizzaro
A) the five senses B) emotions C) sounds D) words or ideas
A) they were not immune to it B) they believed it was a sign of of the gods C) they were not affected by it D) they had no medicine
A) causeway B) chinampa C) codex D) aquaduct
A) guns B) horses C) smallpox D) human sacrifice |