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Light energy question bank
供稿人: Mansour
  • 1. Which of these types of wave does not fit into the group?
A) Radio
B) Gamma
C) Visible Light
D) Ultraviolet
E) Sound
  • 2. Billy is trying to shine a laser off a mirror at the end of a basketball court into Sam's eyes to distract him (Billy is evil). Sam is at a 38 degree reflection angle from the mirror. At what angle does Billy need to shine the laser at the mirror to get it in Sam's eyes.
A) 180 degrees
B) 90 degrees
C) 52 degrees
D) 12 degrees
E) 38 degrees
  • 3. Which type of lens focuses/narrows light inward?
A) concave lens
B) convex lens
C) straight lens
  • 4. When you combine all the colors of the spectrum, what do we see?
A) red
B) white
C) black
D) nothing
  • 5. Can see infrared light without special equipment?
A) No
B) Yes
  • 6. Plants appear green because they...
A) They turn ultraviolet light into green light
B) Absorb all light except green - they reflect this color
C) Absorb green light and reflect all other colors
D) They refract white light
  • 7. When none of the colors of the spectrum are present the color is..
A) White
C) Black
D) Yellow
  • 8. These cells detect colors.
A) Pupil
B) Rods
C) Retina
D) Cones
  • 9. The lens in our eye is shaped like this.
A) Concave
B) Convex
  • 10. If dogs see only in black and white, what type of cells do they not have?
A) Rods
B) Iris
C) Cones
D) Optic Nerve
  • 11. If you saw a girl with beautiful brown eyes - what part of her eye would you be complimenting?
A) Iris
B) Lens
C) Cornea
D) Pupil
  • 12. You are looking for an inexpensive television. What refresh rate will it probably have?
A) 60 Hz or less
B) 240 Hz
C) 600 Hz
D) 120 Hz
  • 13. These three colors are typically found in the pixel of a TV?
A) Violet, Orange, White
B) Ruby, Gray, Black
C) Black, Yellow, Green
D) Red, Green, Blue
  • 14. All electromagnetic waves travel at the same speed.
A) True
B) False
  • 15. What are mass-less particles that carry energy on electromagnetic waves?
A) Photons
B) Protons
C) Electrons
D) Neutrons
  • 16. The bending of light is called:
A) Convex
B) Concave
C) Refraction
D) Reflection
  • 17. If you cannot see through a window, you might say it is:
A) Opine
B) Transparent
C) Translucent
D) Refracted
E) Opaque
  • 18. Which has a longer wavelength: gamma rays or radio waves?
A) Gamma rays
B) Radio waves
  • 19. What are the colors of the rainbow in order on the electromagnetic spectrum (large wavelength to small)?
  • 20. Wireless internet signals are what type of electromagnetic wave?
A) X-rays
B) Infrared waves
C) Radio
D) Microwaves
  • 21. True or False: All electromagnetic waves travel at the same rate in a vacuum.
A) True
B) False
  • 22. A black paper appears black because...
A) It reflects all the frequencies that hit it.
B) Light bends around anything that is black.
C) It absorbs all the frequencies of light and does not reflect any back.
D) It reflects the black wavelength of light.
  • 23. Radio waves travel faster than light waves.
A) False
B) True
  • 24. Describe why some people cannot see colors.
  • 25. This best description of this picture would be...
A) opaque
B) transparent
C) translucent
D) refraction
  • 26. What type of lens is this?
A) Straight
B) Concave
C) Convex
  • 27. Describe the relationship between the angle of incidence and the angle of reflection. (Think about our lab results).
  • 28. An object that lets all visible light through is called...
A) translucent
B) opaque
C) transparent
  • 29. Sally has brown eyes. Why do her eyes look brown to other people?
A) Her lens absorbs all colors except brown.
B) Her cornea turns white light into brown light
C) Brown light is absorbed by her iris.
D) All colors except brown are absorbed by her iris.
  • 30. Write a conclusion for the following experiment. Problem: What is the cause of color blindness? Experiment: Robert gives 6 elderly people a color test in 1998. Three of the people are colorblind and three of the people can see colors. He then uses a special machine to map the cells on their retina. Results - See picture Make sure you use data
  • 31. Billy is trying to hit a baseball, but the ball seems to disappear for a split second every time it gets within in 3-4 feet of him. What is the cause of this?
A) Nearsightedness
B) Colorblindness
C) Keraticonis
D) Blind spot in eye
E) Farsightedness
  • 32. A concave lens does this to light
A) focuses the light
B) spreads it out
C) does nothing to the light
  • 33. You are timing events at a track meet and the starter tells you to start your watch when you see smoke from the starting gun - NOT when you hear a sound. Why does he tell you this?
  • 34. Putting dark curtains over a window will make it...
A) Transparent
B) Translucent
C) Opaque
  • 35. We are able to see ultraviolet light.
A) False
B) True
  • 36. Cindy alternates the colors red and yellow on a color wheel. What color is she most likely to see when she spins it?
A) Violet
B) Yellow
C) Indigo
D) Green
E) Orange
  • 37. If you squished a bag of water, it could be used as this...
A) magnifying glass
B) microscope
C) It would be useless - it'd only make things smaller
D) telescope
  • 38. The clear window on the front of your eye is called...
A) cornea
B) sclera
C) retina
D) lens
  • 39. The area of your eye that contains cells that can detect light is called...
A) pupil
B) optic nerve
C) cornea
D) retina
  • 40. Explain what your pupil does...
  • 41. Look at the data in the chart to the left. 20/20 vision means normal sight without problems. The closer you are to 20/20, the better your vision. Based on the results, tell which of the concave lenses (1 or 2) is stronger and which of the convex lenses (1 or 2) is stronger. Remember - the farther away from 20/20 you are, the worse off your vision is. Example: Concave ___ is stronger because... Convex ___ is stronger because...
  • 42. Describe how red/blue 3d goggles work and why we need two eyes to see in 3d.
  • 43. If you needed to program a robot to go when it sees the color GREEN, what wavelength would you tell it to detect?
A) 650-700nm
B) 400-450nm
C) 600-650nm
D) 500-550nm
E) 1100-1500nm
  • 44. If you had to program a robot to stop on RED, what wavelength range would you program it to detect
A) 450-500nm
B) 1100-1500nm
C) 500-550nm
D) 400-450nm
E) 650-700nm
  • 45. Which type of EM wave is used for cell phones?
A) Gamma
B) Infrared
C) X-Ray
D) Ultraviolet
E) Radio
  • 46. Night vision goggles can detect infrared frequencies that are just outside the range of human vision. What frequencies are they detecting that a normal human eye cannot?
A) 750-900nm
B) 450-500nm
C) 550-600nm
D) 300-350nm
E) 650-700nm
  • 47. If you could own one section of the EM spectrum, from Gamma to Radio, that you could sell to others - what would you choose and why? Explain why you are choosing a particular part and also explain why you didn't choose a different set of frequencies.
  • 48. Your car sideview mirror says that "Objects may be closer than they appear". Explain what type of lens this mirror has and why that warning label is on the mirror.
  • 49. Describe why a passive infrared sensor, like the one we used in class, cannot detect anything when it is behind glass
  • 50. Describe why people who have trouble seeing need glasses to bend light? Why can't these people see well without glasses?
  • 51. What color would you expect to see if you blended Red and Green light?
A) Bluish-Indigo
B) Purplish-Blue
C) Greenish-Cyan
D) Blackish-Red
E) Orangish-Yellow
  • 52. Billy just read an online article claiming that people might get muscle cancer because they are always carrying around phones in their pockets. Using your knowledge of the electromagnetic spectrum, what would you say about this story (legit, fake news, somewhere in between). Make sure to explain using terms from the electromagnetic spectrum.
  • 53. In a dim room, what light cells in your eyes are being used the most?
A) Squaroids
B) Rods
C) Cones
D) Gammoids
  • 54. Which of the following is used by remote controls?
A) Ultraviolet
B) Micro Waves
C) Infrared
D) X-Rays
  • 55. Infrared is most commonly sensed as:
A) Cooking food
B) Heat
C) Radio signals
D) Cancer
  • 56. Which of the following would kill bacteria?
A) Radio
B) Ultraviolet
C) Microwave
D) Visible
  • 57. This graphic shows the distribution of rods and cones in the eye. 0 degrees is the center of the eye. Nasal refers to the inside (nose) side of the eyeball and temporal refers to the ear side of the eyeball. Based on this graph, what can you tell about rods and cones and where they are located in the eye.
  • 58. These two pictures show the cones of the eye of two different people. How might person A see different than person L, make sure to explain why.
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