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Earth 1 Test
供稿人: Lawrence
1. Moutains in the Himalaya's are increasing in
elevation due to ______________.
C. colliding tectonic plates
B. the action of earthquakes
A. seafloor spreading
D. transform faulting of a tectonic plate
A. Mesosaurus migrated across the ocean from
location X to location Y.
B. Mesosaurus came into existence on several 
widely seperated continents at different times.
C. The continents of South America and Africa 
were joined when Mesosaurus lived.
D. The present climates at locations X and Y are
2. Which statement represents the most logical 
conslusion to draw from this evidence?
A. Divergent of plate boundaries
B. Transform of plate boundaries
C. Convergent of plate boundaries
D. Subduction of plate boundaries
3.  Identify the crustal movement that occured to 
form the San Andreas Fault.
4. The satellite map above most likely shows which
of the following land features?
A. mountains
B. valley
C. delta
D. river
5.  Identify the crustal movement occuring in letter
D and the feature formed at letter X due to this
B. plates transform forming a fault line
D. plate subducts forming a trench
A. plates diverge forming a rift valley
C. plates converge forming a mountain
6. Alfred Wegner, a German meterologist working at
beginning of the 20th century, noticed that the edges
of the continents appear to fit together like a puzzle. 
This evidence supported his idea that...
D. oceans and continents move by different 
C. the continents were once connected in a large
A. the continents on Earth have a fixed position
B. Earth is expanding at a constant rate
7.  Predict the sequence that represents erosional
forces shaping the landscape.
A. 1, 2, 3, 4
B. 4, 3, 1, 2
D. 4. 1, 2, 3
C. 3, 1, 2, 4
8. Interpret which crustal feature below is represented
by the topographic map above.
B. mid-ocean ridge by divergence
C. trench by convergence
A. trench by divergence
D. mid-ocean ridge by convergence
9. Identify the crustal feature located at point C and
the Earth process by which it was formed.
10.  In the drawing above, the dense oceanic crust
sinks below the continental crust forming what 
A. mountains
B. a rift valley
C. abyssal plain
D. a mid-ocean ridge
B. The oceanic crust is the thickest area of the 
C. More heat leaves Earth from the abyssal plains
than from the mid-ocean ridge
D. Rock layers closer to the mid-ocean ridge
are thicker and older than rock layers farther away.
A. Rock closest to the mid-ocean ridge is younger
than rock layers farther away
11. Seafloor spreading is evidence that supports the
Plate Tectonic Theory.  What observations confirms
that the process of seafloor spreading is occuring?
12.  In the topographic map above, over time what will
happen along the line indicated by the arrow?
B. Water will erode a deeper stream
C. The slip fault will increase in size
A. A mountain ridge will be pushed up
D. There is unlikely to be any change along the 
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