ThatQuiz Public Test Library
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TeacherTest NameTest TypeDate Edited
Irving, Leah -
Ovid (poet) (9)Multiple Choice2015.06.12
Peleponnesian Wars between Athens and Sparta (8)Multiple Choice2015.09.21
Persians expand into Egypt, Asia Minor and towards India (8)Multiple Choice2015.06.26
Plato (philosopher) (9)Multiple Choice2015.10.28
Pliny the Younger (writer) (10)Multiple Choice2015.12.26
Plutarch (biographer and writer) (10)Multiple Choice2015.04.12
Republic of Rome declared (15)Multiple Choice2015.08.03
Romans control most of Italy (31)Multiple Choice2015.12.16
Romans finally destroy Carthage (9)Multiple Choice2015.07.18
Saul becomes King of Israel (8)Multiple Choice2015.01.22
Siege of Troy, and adventures of Iliad and Odyssey (21)Multiple Choice2015.08.02
Solomon becomes King of Israel (9)Multiple Choice2015.03.20
Start of Punic Wars against Carthage (14)Multiple Choice2015.12.19
Wars between rival Chinese kingdoms (8)Multiple Choice2015.03.25