ThatQuiz Public Test Library
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TeacherTest NameTest TypeDate Edited
Irving, Leah -
Gautama Buddha and spread of his teachings (24)Multiple Choice2015.04.10
Golden Age of Greece under Pericles (31)Multiple Choice2015.10.04
Gupta dynasty reunites India and arts flourish (22)Multiple Choice2015.08.16
Hebrew Exodus from Egypt under Moses (14)Multiple Choice2015.05.08
Hebrews invade Canaan (Joshua) (9)Multiple Choice2015.10.16
Homer (writer) (20)Multiple Choice2015.03.18
Israelites invade Palestine (8)Multiple Choice2015.01.27
Japanese Empire established by Jimmu (9)Multiple Choice2015.02.27
King Asoka extends his empire to cover most of India (9)Multiple Choice2015.06.20
King Solomon - kingdom split into two (9)Multiple Choice2015.11.03
Lydians introduce metal coinage (8)Multiple Choice2015.09.18
Magadha kingdom in Northern India becomes dominant power (9)Multiple Choice2015.03.07
Medes and Persians under Cyrus control most of Asia Minor (8)Multiple Choice2015.05.03
Nebuchadnezzar takes Hebrews into captivity in Babylon (9)Multiple Choice2015.06.28
New Kingdom of Egypt - civilization peaks (21)Multiple Choice2015.02.05
Ninevah sacked by Medes - end of Assyrian empire (9)Multiple Choice2015.05.18
Nubians from present-day Sudan conquer Egypt (16)Multiple Choice2015.06.20
Olmecs settle on Gulf Coast of Mexico (9)Multiple Choice2015.03.09