ThatQuiz Public Test Library
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TeacherTest NameTest TypeDate Edited
Halliday, Khaza -
Alaska purchase Seward's Folly (9)Multiple Choice2008.12.02
Albraham Lincoln, the 16th U.S. President-assassinated (26)Multiple Choice2008.11.11
Andrew Jackson, the 7th U.S. President (13)Multiple Choice2008.02.24
Andrew Johnson, the 17th U.S. President (9)Multiple Choice2008.06.23
Battle of Gettysburg (17)Multiple Choice2008.03.08
Becquerel discovers radioactivity (8)Multiple Choice2008.06.18
Benjamin Harrison, the 23rd U.S. President (23)Multiple Choice2008.09.25
Camille Saint-Saens (19)Multiple Choice2008.05.01
Canadian Northwest Mounties begun (8)Multiple Choice2008.03.10
Charles Darwin's Origin of Species published (16)Multiple Choice2008.12.26
Chester Arthur, the 21st U.S. President (17)Multiple Choice2008.07.09
Chicago incorporated as a city (20)Multiple Choice2008.08.15
France occupies Algeria (9)Multiple Choice2008.05.08
Franklin Pierce, the 14th U.S. President (17)Multiple Choice2008.09.13
George IV-Hanover eldest son of George III (8)Multiple Choice2008.01.24
Greek War of independence against the Turks (18)Multiple Choice2008.03.04
Grover Cleveland, the 22nd U.S. President (24)Multiple Choice2008.05.20
Grover Cleveland, the 24th U.S. President (12)Multiple Choice2008.01.03