ThatQuiz Public Test Library
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TeacherTest NameTest TypeDate Edited
Irving, Leah -
Aeschylus (dramatist) (16)Multiple Choice2015.10.10
Alexander the Great defeats Persians - expands towards India (21)Multiple Choice2015.11.08
Alexander the Great dies and Greek empire is split (8)Multiple Choice2015.07.17
Archimedes (mathematician and scientist) (8)Multiple Choice2015.10.14
Aristotle (philosopher) (18)Multiple Choice2015.04.23
Augustus becomes first Roman emperor (20)Multiple Choice2015.07.03
Cicero (orator and dramatist) (8)Multiple Choice2015.02.22
Cleopatra becomes Queen of Egypt (17)Multiple Choice2015.12.27
Confucius preaching in China (9)Multiple Choice2015.02.23
Croesus, fabulously rich king of Lydia (8)Multiple Choice2015.10.07
David becomes King of Israel - Philistines defeated (23)Multiple Choice2015.05.09
Egypt independent of foreign domination (9)Multiple Choice2015.02.02
Emperor Constantine builds Constantinople (Byzantium) (19)Multiple Choice2015.01.16
End of Han Dynasty - China divided for 3 centuries (11)Multiple Choice2015.12.01
Enlightenment of Gautama Buddha (9)Multiple Choice2015.04.13
Euclid develops geometry (28)Multiple Choice2015.10.15
First Olympic Games held in Greece (9)Multiple Choice2015.10.03
Foundation of city of Rome (10)Multiple Choice2015.12.23