ThatQuiz Public Test Library
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TeacherTest NameTest TypeDate Edited
Bryan, Ryatt -
Age of Sun and Earth (9)Multiple Choice2022.12.02
Apple Inc. releasd the first tablet touch screen computer iPad (22)Multiple Choice2022.10.15
Archaeopteryx earliest known bird (8)Multiple Choice2022.02.27
Babylon established by the Chaldeans (25)Multiple Choice2022.02.13
Beginning of the universe: Big Bang (9)Multiple Choice2022.06.01
Beijing 2008 Olympic Games, China (19)Multiple Choice2022.07.21
Bipedal ape-like hominids first appear in Africa (9)Multiple Choice2022.06.19
Bitcion (8)Multiple Choice2022.12.09
Continents begin to split into present configuration (9)Multiple Choice2022.09.14
Dinosaurs die out (18)Multiple Choice2022.07.09
Discovery of God Particles (8)Multiple Choice2022.06.05
Donald John Trump, the 45th U.S. President (26)Multiple Choice2022.01.23
Early Hebrew civilization in Israel area (25)Multiple Choice2022.01.05
Early Sumerian civilization in Mesopotamia (8)Multiple Choice2022.11.25
Elon Musk's SpaceX launches Starlink Project (8)Multiple Choice2022.01.23
First multi-cellular plants (algae) appear (8)Multiple Choice2022.12.24
Global SARS-Cov-2 (COVID-19) Pandemic (17)Multiple Choice2022.06.06
Great Leap Forward in human cognitive development (8)Multiple Choice2022.11.14