ThatQuiz Public Test Library
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TeacherTest NameTest TypeDate Edited
Webb, Luca -
Agriculture in Greece (21)Multiple Choice2023.01.09
All megafauna extinct Europe (9)Multiple Choice2023.08.04
Ancient Greeks found Byzantium (13)Multiple Choice2023.10.14
Ancient Hittite Empire (17)Multiple Choice2023.11.07
Arabic numerals first developed in India (9)Multiple Choice2023.07.12
Aryans (Medes+Persians) move onto the Iranian Plateau (16)Multiple Choice2023.06.06
Assyrians overthrow Damascus (10)Multiple Choice2023.12.26
Ayrans moved from same Indo-European group into North India (15)Multiple Choice2023.04.01
Battle of Thermopylae, Spartans delay a large Persian force (18)Multiple Choice2023.11.20
Before 1000 BC (20)Multiple Choice2023.06.10
Bronze Age begins in the Middle East (8)Multiple Choice2023.02.05
Bronze age in England (10)Multiple Choice2023.11.13
Buddha begins Buddhism (21)Multiple Choice2023.06.16
ca.2,040 -ca.1,640 BC (21)Multiple Choice2023.05.26
Camel domesticated in Arabia (9)Multiple Choice2023.10.12
Copper age begins, Europe (8)Multiple Choice2023.11.10
Corn grown Americas (9)Multiple Choice2023.11.11
Croesus King of Lydia captures Greek cities (16)Multiple Choice2023.12.24